Queen Charlotte's Most Annoying Character: Fans Reveal Their Surprising Pick

Queen Charlotte's Most Annoying Character: Fans Reveal Their Surprising Pick
Image credit: Netflix

Charlotte's elder brother might have been annoying, but his actions were meant to benefit his sister and their native country.

The first spin-off of Netflix's popular romantic drama Bridgerton was incredibly entertaining, delving into the young years of Queen Charlotte and her marriage to King George.

Most of the characters in the new show were easy to sympathize with — fans cared deeply about Charlotte's relationship with her husband, enjoyed the steamy romance between Brimsley and Reynolds, and supported Lady Danbury in her choice to stay single.

However, there was one character whom fans found to be particularly unpleasant — Charlotte's brother Adolphus.

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Queen Charlotte's elder brother and a royal himself, Adolphus was portrayed by Scottish actor Tunji Kasim — and he did an awesome job at that, receiving much praise from fans and securing himself a bright future in film and television. The dislike of the character has nothing to do with the actor's performance, as people were annoyed by Adolphus' actions and personality.

'Charlotte's summation of him to Agatha is kind of accurate. He's a nice dude but kind of a preachy dweeb,' one of the fans said.

When his and Charlotte' father died in 1752, Adolphus became head of the German duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. Germany was highly decentralized at the time, and so the small duchy needed the protection of a more powerful patron. Naturally, when the prospect of marrying his sister into the British monarchy came along, Adolphus would be a fool to refuse.

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Adolphus clearly loved Charlotte, but as many viewers note, he was too weak to refuse the almighty British Empire even if he wanted to. For the good of his country, he agreed to marry off his sister to the new king of England, George III. Charlotte's brother tried to convince her she would be happily married — and she was, eventually — even though he knew nothing about George and couldn't be sure about the outcome of that marriage.

One particular moment that made all fans feel uneasy was when Charlotte wanted to go home after learning of her husband's mental problems, but Adulphus only shrugged his shoulders at this.

Nevertheless, many people justified Adolphus' actions and his coldness toward Charlotte, arguing that he was acting in his sister's best interests and according to the times they lived in.

'Given that he was responsible for seeing to it that his sister married well, Adolphus made the single best match in the entire world for his sister by betrothing her to the King of England,' another fan said.

So despite his unpleasant actions and seemingly poor treatment of Charlotte, Adolphus did his best to ensure a stable future for both the country and his younger sister. We also know that Charlotte (both the real-life Queen and her fictional counterpart) did find happiness in her marriage to George III — so Adolphus' decision was right after all.

Source: Reddit.