Parks and Recreation Characters Ranked by Number of Lines (No. 1 is Not Surprising at All)

Parks and Recreation Characters Ranked by Number of Lines (No. 1 is Not Surprising at All)
Image credit: Legion-Media

Who knew Ron talked more than April?

Although NBC's Parks and Recreation ended over eight years ago, it remains the number one sitcom for many fans, who like to rewatch it when they're feeling down or just have 20 minutes to fill.

The Pawnee Parks Department has so much positive energy to share with viewers, it's impossible not to smile after a few minutes of watching what happens on screen.

And what happens on screen is mostly talking. As a political satire mockumentary, Parks and Rec is very good with words — lines and jokes come out of the characters' mouths at an incredible rate, and they are all hilarious, making the show quotable gold. But which of the characters provides the most quote material?

Counting all the lines in Parks and Rec may seem like an impossible task. Well, not for Redditors. User u/WalterEagle, a self-proclaimed stats-obsessed person, has managed to not only count all the lines on the show, but also break them down by character. So here are the Top 10 Parks and Recreation characters who talk more than others.

10. Donna Meagle – 920 (118 episodes)

9. Garry Gergich – 1026 (120)

8. Chris Traeger – 1492 (74)

7. April Ludgate – 2438 (121)

6. Ann Perkins – 2724 (99)

5. Ron Swanson – 2860 (121)

4. Andy Dwyer – 3124 (114)

3. Ben Wyatt – 3160 (94)

2. Tom Haverford – 3282 (118)

1. Leslie Knope – 8841 (122)

The Redditor counted a line as any uninterrupted dialogue before someone else speaks or the scene or conversation changes. According to the fan, the count didn't take much more time than just watching the show.

If you thought that anyone could beat the great Leslie Knope at shooting words, you were wrong. She's the only character to appear in every episode of the show, and according to the Redditor, there were only a few episodes where Leslie wasn't first in line count. She got over 100 lines in an episode 14 times, all in the first three seasons, except for the series finale. No one else ever cracked 100 lines in an episode.

Ron and April, who many fans call their spirit animals, only made the Top 10 because they were in almost every episode of the show. These two aren't big on words, but if we were to count hilarious, quotable phrases, they'd probably be at the top of the list.

Source: Reddit.