Out Of All Characters On Young Sheldon, This One Is The Most Underrated

He's often made fun of for things he's not really responsible for.
- Unlike TBBT, Young Sheldon has a lot of lovable characters.
- Still, one of the Coopers doesn't get the love he deserves from either the audience or his onscreen family.
- Despite being neglected, he has grown into a nice guy who can't be blamed for his ineptitude.
Although it comes from The Big Bang Theory, Young Sheldon is very different from its parent show. There are many differences, but the most important one is that the characters of the spin-off are much more likable than the TBBT gang.
Raj and Howard are creepy, Leonard and Amy are awkward, Sheldon is annoying, Bernadette is domineering, and Penny is shallow – these aren't the most admirable qualities. Meanwhile, Young Sheldon's characters, though flawed, are likable and compelling. They are funny, different, complex and very real, which resonates with the audience.
Still, some of the spin-off's characters are less adored by fans than others. For example, while Meemaw and George Sr. are the ultimate fan favorites on the show, this character rarely sees anything good said about him, both on and off screen.
The Coopers' Scapegoat
Mary and George Cooper have three children: Shelly, a genius who is destined to become a Nobel Prize-winning physicist and one of TBBT's most popular characters; his twin sister Missy, who doesn't share her brother's intelligence but is extremely socially savvy; and their older brother Georgie, who seems to have been spared any talents. While the former two children get their fair share of parental love, the Cooper's eldest son is more often than not portrayed as a dimwitted and inept troublemaker.
Of course, most of the time Georgie deserves to take the brunt of his own actions. But he definitely deserves a lot more compassion and sympathy from the audience, as he's largely the result of his poor upbringing.
The Product of Neglect
Basically, Georgie is a sweet young man who has no malice in his heart, knows right from wrong, and always tries to do the right thing – like when he proposed to Mandy after finding out she was pregnant with his baby. Most importantly, he has a kind and warm personality. So why is his life so difficult? The answer is painfully simple. Georgie has been neglected by his family for most of his life.
Georgie never received the amount of love and care that Mary gave to Sheldon and even Missy. And with the birth of the twins, he became one of the family's last priorities – especially when it became clear that Sheldon is a genius and very different in behavior and development from ordinary people.
In other words, Georgie could have had a better life if his family had paid more attention to him and tried to help him learn and succeed. But sadly, that never happened, and instead Georgie became the Cooper to laugh at.
Young Sheldon returns tonight, April 11, with Episode 7 of Season 7.