Of All the Coopers, This Character Was the Most Traumatized by George's Death

She couldn't deal with losing the person she loved the most.
- The effect of George's death on Sheldon explains many plot inconsistencies.
- Sheldon's siblings were deeply affected by the tragedy.
- Unlike Sheldon, they remained in Medford and continued to deal with the loss of George.
With each new season of Young Sheldon, it became clearer that the George Sr. of the spin-off and the George Sr. mentioned by Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory have little in common. On TBBT, Dr. Cooper's father was portrayed as the epitome of a bad dad, lazy, constantly drunk, and rough with his kids. But in reality, as portrayed on YS, George is a loving and caring father and husband with a great sense of humor and unwavering devotion to his family.
Although initially viewed by fans as a major inconsistency, the difference between Sheldon's description of George and the way he really was turned out to be the result of the psychological trauma Shelly suffered when his father died suddenly. Needless to say, Sheldon was deeply affected by the tragedy. But in fact, he's not the Cooper most devastated by the loss.
Dad's Favorite
Sheldon's shock at George's death was so great that it changed the boy's very perception of his father. But George had two other children who were deeply affected by his untimely death. While Georgie seems to have taken it stoically, stepping into his father's shoes to take care of the family, Missy couldn't get over the tragedy. And that's probably because of the special connection that Missy and George had.
During the intellect tests in earlier seasons of Young Sheldon, young Missy told the examiners that she felt left out while George spent his time with Georgie and Mary and Meemaw coddled Sheldon. Ultimately that wasn't the case. Sure, George and Georgie bonded easily because of their similarities, but Missy was always her father's favorite.
For example, in Season 1, Episode 21, George and Missy enjoy some alone time at Red Lobster, where they bond over food. In Season 5, Episode 15, the two characters spend time together when George teaches Missy to drive in secret from Mary. And in the Season 6 finale, George and Missy ride out a tornado together when they encounter it on the road. Naturally, Missy feels a deep affection for her father.
Outbursts of Grief and Anger
As a result, Missy cannot understand Sheldon's lack of visible grief and scolds him for not missing her father, which he actually does. She tells Pastor Jeff to shut up when he visits them in the finale to talk about God. And she also lashes out at Mary when Mary pushes her to get baptized. All of this is explained by the fact that Missy has just lost the person she loves most.
Most importantly, Sheldon has moved to CalTech and has research and science to distract him from thinking about George, but Missy doesn't have that privilege. She stays in Medford with the other Coopers, where she is constantly reminded of the tragedy.