No, You're Not Imagining Things: 5 Reasons Sweet Magnolias' Dana Sue is the Worst

No, You're Not Imagining Things: 5 Reasons Sweet Magnolias' Dana Sue is the Worst
Image credit: Netflix

Let's vent a little.

Sweet Magnolias Season 3 managed to ruin a lot of characters. But there seems to be one who couldn't get any worse, even though she tried. After watching the season, fans took to social media to vent about Dana Sue and her worst qualities, adding to the already long list of haters of the character.

So if you feel that Dana Sue was not your cup of tea in Season 3 (or any season for that matter), you're not alone. Check out the reasons why viewers despise Sullivan's owner to compare your thoughts about her with those of the fandom.

She is a bad mother

No, You're Not Imagining Things: 5 Reasons Sweet Magnolias' Dana Sue is the Worst - image 1

Dana Sue is a difficult and judgmental person, which is most evident in her family life. Annie is a good kid whose heart is in the right place, but her mother seems to be oblivious to that. Her wild overreactions and hypocrisy towards her daughter lead to some of the most disturbing scenes in the show.

Dana Sue gives Annie a hard time for every little thing, like catching her and Ronnie in the act or seeing Jackson. For God's sake, the woman was less mad at Ronnie for spending their money on Kathy than she was at Annie for potentially choosing the 'wrong' college.

She loses her temper all the time

Dana Sue's terrible temper is not only evident in her interactions with her daughter. Since Season 1, she's been throwing tantrums at everyone, including her friends and co-workers, at the slightest hint that something isn't going her way. And the look on her face during these moments is a pain to watch.

She creates a toxic work environment

Dana Sue likes to say that the employees at Sullivan's are all family. But her diva behavior says otherwise. Viewers are outraged by the toxic work environment at the restaurant and the way Dana Sue treats her employees.

No, You're Not Imagining Things: 5 Reasons Sweet Magnolias' Dana Sue is the Worst - image 2

The staff is not allowed to make suggestions or even look in Dana Sue's direction when she is not in the mood. Since Season 1, the chef has yelled at each of her employees at least once for no good reason. And what's with making her staff babysit for Noreen so the new mom can take a nap?

She had no development

Dana Sue's worst qualities have been mentioned repeatedly by other characters, especially Annie. While recognizing her flaws and owning them one by one could be a great journey of redemption for her character, Dana Sue is just as annoying in Season 3 as she was in Season 1, if not more so. Looks like character development is a non-starter for this lady.

She has the worst wardrobe

No, You're Not Imagining Things: 5 Reasons Sweet Magnolias' Dana Sue is the Worst - image 3

Forgive us, dear fans, but Dana Sue wears the ugliest belts known to humanity.

Source: Reddit.