
Nikki Reed Stole Just One Thing From Twilight Set – But It's Totally Iconic

Nikki Reed Stole Just One Thing From Twilight Set – But It's Totally Iconic
Image credit: Legion-Media

Can you guess what Rosalie Cullen valued most?

If you've worked on a film set, you know it's a big no-no to steal props. But if you're the star, you can sometimes get away with it! Chris Hemsworth has reportedly taken home 5 versions of Thor's hammer, Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) has the golden egg from the Triwizard Tournament, and Ian McKellen (Gandalf) still has the key to Bilbo Baggins' house.

When Nikki Read concluded her work as Rosalie Cullen in the Twilight series, there was one prop that she really wanted.

Vampire baseball is one of the most memorable scenes in 2008's Twilight. It's also one of Nicky's favorites, as the baseball shoes were the only thing she wanted from the set. But, as someone with less star power than other people in the cast, she felt too nervous to ask. She's also a self-described 'rule follower', and even when Kristen Stewart (Bella Swan) urged her to just take the shoes, Reed couldn't work up the nerve.

Nikki Reed Stole Just One Thing From Twilight Set – But It's Totally Iconic - image 1

However, in an interview with Insider Reed recently revealed that Stewart ended up taking the shoes for her:

​​'One day [Stewart] came back from filming... reshoots or something. And she gave me those shoes from the baseball scene. I was like, 'Oh man, this is the best thing ever!' And I still have them.'

Reed and director Catherine Hardwicke gave Insider the scoop on the now-iconic baseball scene, which took almost a week and a half to film due to bad weather. The actors took 'cat movement' classes to nail a graceful movement style for the vampires, and those who had never played baseball before got lots of training to ensure they looked good on the field.

Many suggestions from the performers made it into the scene: Peter Facinelli (Carlisle) came up with the idea of pointing his bat like Babe Ruth, while Jackson Rathbone (Jasper) used his real-life baseball experience to incorporate his cool bat twirls.

Meanwhile, Nikki Reed didn't have any baseball ideas to incorporate – but she did sacrifice her body for the scene, sliding into home base over and over until she had a 'super bruised butt for a long time'.

Reed is the only one to have a memento from the baseball scene (as far as we know), but Kristen Stewart still reportedly has all of Bella Swan's rings. Robert Pattinson, on the other hand, kept all of Edward Cullens… underwear. That's right – apparently, Edward's wardrobe had very comfortable undies, and Pattinson walked off with quite a few pairs.

The Twilight movies have had a resurgence in popularity lately, as they are connecting with a new generation of teens while becoming nostalgic viewing for those who grew up with the movies. A reboot is currently in development with Lionsgate.

Source: Insider.