Love is Blind's Micah Lussier Has Just One Request for Her Critics: 'Leave Looks Out of It'

Love is Blind's Micah Lussier Has Just One Request for Her Critics: 'Leave Looks Out of It'
Image credit: Netflix

Personalities on screen and in real life can be different, folks.

The fourth season of Netflix's reality series Love Is Blind ended more than two weeks ago, but the hype surrounding the season has yet to die down.

After all, the last season has brought a number of antagonists to the spotlight, and while these cast members definitely offered a fresh perspective on the reality show, fans generally disliked them and their antics.

Micah Lussier and her on-screen partner Irina became real villains, as their behavior was panned by most of the fandom. Although some of their scandalous actions were likely dictated by the producers, both contestants received a lot of hatred from the audience, who took out their anger on the ladies' appearance, among other things. And now, a whole year after filming, Lussier felt the need to reach out to fans, asking them to be less critical of the show's contestants and, most importantly — 'leave looks out of it.'

The TV star has had a lot to reflect on over the past year, and that prompted Micah to write a post on her personal Instagram page to defend herself and fellow cast members.

'Please, just leave looks out of it,' Micah wrote. 'Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I want everyone to have a free space to speak their mind, but, a line has been crossed — and I am not the one suffering,' Micah said, suggesting that the negative comments hurt not only her, but also the other cast members.

It appears that Lussier herself is capable of taking such extensive (and unfair) criticism, but the star is most likely referring to her on-screen partner Irina 'suffering,' as the latter couldn't handle fans' negativity and comments about her appearance.

'The impact of your words can be hurtful, especially to those who feel like they don't fit in society's narrow definition of beauty. You may be talking to me, or other commenters, but you could easily be damaging an innocent person's self esteem. Don't sink down to the level that you believe me to be at,' the star added.

As unpleasant as Micah and Irina appeared on screen, there is indeed no reason to criticize their appearances. Besides, we should not forget that it's been a year since filming, and in that time, the Love Is Blind 'villains' have had plenty of time to work on their mistakes and become more decent people. But still, their looks had nothing to do with any of the actions that outraged fans!

Chelsea Griffin, who was Micah and Irina's co-star and the target of their bullying, spoke up about the two after the shoot, saying it was their way of trying to find comfort in a difficult situation. 'I'm not condoning that behavior. But I feel like that did happen. And I know, I've spoken with both of them. They have grown a lot,' Chelsea explained.

Source: ET, Micah Lussier's Instagram.