Is This Silo Season 1's Most Ridiculous Plot Hole Fans Choose to Ignore?

Is This Silo Season 1's Most Ridiculous Plot Hole Fans Choose to Ignore?
Image credit: Apple TV+

While entirely absurd, this plot hole doesn't diminish the story's appeal.

Apple TV+'s Silo has been one of the most intriguing recent releases in the sci-fi genre. Its unique take on humanity's post-apocalyptic future, complete with elaborate world-building and pervasive themes of authoritarianism, has attracted scores of viewers who now can't wait for the release of Season 2.

However, Silo's script does have the occasional plot hole here and there, despite the story overall being a masterclass in suspense and intrigue.

How do the inhabitants of the underground structure manage to go up and down all 144 levels with such ease? Are just 20 mechanics enough to maintain complicated machinery that supplies sufficient power to 10,000 people at the same time? While all of these questions have plausible answers, there is one elephant in the room that's bound to annoy fans to no end, and it has to do with, wait for it, babies.

Population growth is strictly regulated in the silo to make sure everybody has enough energy and food. Couples who want to have a child must win the right to do so in a 'lottery'. It stands to reason that the nurseries where newborns are kept must be among the most monitored places in the entire silo.

And yet, one such clinic with a nursery, where Juliette's (Rebecca Ferguson) father, Dr. Pete Nichols (Iain Glen), works, becomes the setting for crucial events that determine Juliette's actions and the actions of her principal adversary, Judicial.

To learn the truth about the world before the silo and Judicial's web of lies, Juliette has to bring Gloria out of the medically induced catatonic state the doctor's been keeping her in. Juliette's father suggests Juliette should take Gloria to the nursery and talk to her there because, according to him, it's the safest place in the clinic, if not the whole silo. And that's where it stops making sense.

'Who leaves a room full of newborns alone for any length of time, let alone enough for all the comings and goings in that scene. I kept expecting someone to show up to check on them, but no, these were apparently silent, independent newborns who don't require the 24/7 care and attention usually required by baby humans,' a fan pointed out.

Despite the loud and dramatic conversations between Juliette and Pete and then between Juliette and Gloria, none of the infants even stir(Gloria even holds one), and no nurses ever show up to check on them. Furthermore, the nursery turns out to be one of the few places where the Judicial don't have CCTV or any other monitoring systems, despite it being one of the most important facilities for the long-term survival of the silo community.

The thing is, though, that overall the story is so masterfully executed that even this seemingly glaring plot hole went completely unnoticed by most viewers. The second season of Silo is slated for release in 2024.

Source: Reddit.