If YOU & Dahmer Can Do It, So Can Twilight TV Reboot: Embracing Edward's Creepiness

Things have changed since the 2000s, but Edward should stay the same.
The Twilight franchise was a huge success when it first came out, and today it is still popular with old fans and being rediscovered by new ones. However, new, modern-day audiences don't swoon over vampire Edward Cullen as they used to and this is because society has changed a lot since the early 2000s, with many moments involving Edward being deemed unacceptable and inappropriate.
With a Twilight TV series in the works, many expect that changes will be made to tone down or eliminate the creep factor of his character, but doing exactly the opposite has the potential to be far more rewarding.
One of the most unsettling elements in Twilight is Edward Cullen, and whilst most would assume that his characteristics in the series would be adapted to be more acceptable for today's viewers, the idea of embracing and focusing on what makes his character creepy and unnatural seems a far better option.
Some viewers may not like it, but other series with dark and unsettling main characters have seen huge success.
TV shows like YOU and Dahmer peak the audience's curiosity, people are drawn to the dark and the unknown and enjoy watching complex and morally flawed characters.
Joe Goldberg from YOU and Jeffery Dahmer from Dahmer could easily be two of the most unsettling characters to exist on Netflix. Joe is a creepy, obsessive stalker who observes, calculates, and manipulates his way into the lives of multiple women and their inner circles, and Jeffery Dahmer kills close to 20 men, among other disturbing acts, with the series following his story in all too intense and graphic detail.
Both shows had the audience's skin crawl, but they loved it.
When it comes to the Twilight TV series, Edward's creepiness should be embraced, the series can show his obsessive and possessive behavior that leads to him stalking Bella, watching her sleep, and manipulating situations to get close to her.
The age difference between the two is also highly problematic. He is over 100 years old, pursuing a 17- year old, and whilst he may have the shimmering, attractive body of a high schooler, he is mentally way, way older than her.
Audiences' screens are currently overpopulated with happy, light series featuring high-morale, stereotypical main characters. Darker themes and characters are way less explored, and ultimately very risky due to viewer preference, but with series like Dahmer and YOU proving the high receptiveness to anti-heroes, it's time Twilight stepped out into the light to fully embrace Edward's creepiness.
Edward and Bella's relationship could be very toxic, and whilst Bella was pretty cringe, it was Edward's creepiness that had audiences squirming in their seats, and it's exactly what the upcoming TV series needs to stand out, captivate the audience and be memorable.