How a £30 See-Through Dress Made Kate Middleton a Princess

A single catwalk changed the fate of England forever.
Most people tend to think that marriages within the British royal family are arranged — with the exception of Harry and Meghan's marriage, of course. However, this is not the case at all, as many members of the royal family meet their future spouses accidentally, and their love stories are as compelling as a Hollywood rom-com.
Such is the story of Prince William and Kate Middleton. The two met when they were students at the University of St. Andrews and remained friends for a year, until one fateful evening when Kate appeared before William in a see-through dress that made the Prince see his friend in a new light.
On March 27, 2002, William attended the DONT WALK gala, the university's charity event to raise money for the victims of the 9/11 attacks and their families. The young prince got one of the best seats, paying as much as £200 for a candlelit table — and he'd certainly be willing to pay more if he knew how important that event was for him and the rest of the country.
During the night, Kate appeared on the catwalk wearing a sheer £30 dress, created by fellow student and then-designer Charlotte Todd. The revealing outfit was meant to attract attention to the cause and help to raise money. But it also made Prince William notice Kate Middleton's beauty and consider her as his love interest.
'The dress is a part of fashion history — the moment William could first have fallen in love with Kate — and that makes me really proud,' designer Charlotte Todd shared back in 2010.
According to Todd, that dress might have been the turning point where William and Kate's friendship started to evolve into romance.
'I made it as a skirt, but others pulled it up on Kate and she wore it as a dress. Maybe if it hadn't been see-through, William might not have noticed her,' Todd said.
Even though Middleton managed to catch the Prince's attention, the two remained friends for a while as both of them were dating different people at the time. In 2003, William and Kate finally realized they had feelings for each other and started dating secretly. The couple tied the knot in 2011, and they now share three children.
Of course, that see-through dress might not have been the one decisive thing that lit a spark between Kate and William, but it's definitely a sweet, romantic detail in their relationship — and it could totally be used in a movie about the couple should Hollywood ever tackle their story!
Source: Daily Mail Online.