House of the Dragon's 7 Mightiest Dragons, Ranked by How Powerful They Are

House of the Dragon's 7 Mightiest Dragons, Ranked by How Powerful They Are
Image credit: HBO

The look of these beasts inspires fear and captivates people.

With just a few days to go before Season 2 of House of the Dragon premieres on HBO and the war between the different Targaryen clans kicks into high gear, it's important to refresh your memory about the balance of power between Team Black and Team Green. And in the world of the show, power often equals dragons.

So take a look at the seven most powerful dragons depicted on HotD to see how the conflict will play out.

7. Sheepstealer

Little is known about this dragon, which is said to have never been claimed by man. Rumored to be one of the oldest living dragons, it has terrorized the inhabitants of Dragonstone for decades. And though it's not very big, Sheepstealer is a mysterious dark horse that could change the balance of power on the show.

6. Sunfyre

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King Aegon II's dragon is one of the most magnificent creatures in all of G.R.R. Martin's novels, thanks to its mesmerizing scales that look as if they were cast from gold. In addition to its beauty, Sunfyre is also quite large, making it a serious threat and a powerful weapon at Team Green's disposal.

5. Meleys

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Rhaenys Targaryen's dragon, nicknamed the Red Queen because of her crimson scales, has relatively little combat experience compared to the other beasts on the list. At the same time, she's one of the oldest dragons on HotD, which makes her a wise and experienced ally for Team Black. Meleys has also proven to be very fast, giving her rider a valuable advantage.

4. Seasmoke

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Left without a rider after the presumed death of Rhaenyra's first husband, Laenor Velaryon's dragon is one of the most experienced beasts in terms of combat, even though it isn't that large. In fact, Seasmoke's modest size contributes to its agility, which has its advantages and uses in battle.

3. Caraxes

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The appearance of Daemon Targaryen's dragon makes it one of the most fearsome creatures in the series. And in the case of Caraxes, the looks match the character, as it's one of the oldest, largest, and most battle-savvy dragons the GoT prequel depicts. What makes Caraxes even more useful is his connection to his rider, allowing them to wreak havoc on their enemies in complete sync.

2. Vermithor

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Though seen only briefly in Season 1, the Bronze Fury, which once belonged to Jaehaerys I, is the second largest dragon in the series. At about a hundred years old, it has a lot of battle experience. Vermithor is also very free-spirited and wild, and hasn't taken a new rider since the death of the king, lurking in the depths of Dragonstone.

1. Vhagar

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The oldest, largest, and most powerful beast on House of Dragon, Vhagar has lived for over one hundred and eighty years and has seen many riders come and go and many historical events. At the beginning of Season 1, Vhagar was Laena Velaryon's dragon, but after the death of her rider, the beast was claimed by Aemond Targaryen and became a powerful weapon for Team Green.

Season 2 of House of the Dragon premieres June 16.