Here's Why Suits Has One of the Best Endings in TV History

Here's Why Suits Has One of the Best Endings in TV History
Image credit: USA Network

From the very beginning to the bittersweet end, Suits started and ended on a high.

*Warning, spoilers for the final episode ahead*

The beginning of a show is what draws people in and gets them hooked, but it's the ending that stays with them forever, and like any good lawyer, Suits delivered the best closing argument we could have hoped for.

Throughout its 8-year run, Suits was and still is arguably one of the best legal dramas on television, and unlike other shows with disappointing or controversial endings like Game of Thrones and How I Met Your Mother, Suits found a way to come full circle, tying up any loose ends and sending each character off in the right direction.

Suits Season 9, Episode 10, titled "One Last Con," marks the final installment of a series that has had audiences on the edge of their seats since the pilot episode and made for the perfect ending; some may call it cheesy, but it was a euphoric watch and a well-deserved conclusion for the characters that fans have come to love and respect so deeply.

The ending shows Sheila giving birth to her and Louis' baby, Harvey and Donna together (finally!), Harvey leaving the firm to join Mike and Rachel in Seattle, Katrina and Samantha rehired, and the firm becoming Litt Wheeler Williams Bennett.

The ending was emotional

Of course, there was no way that Suits was going to end without a little bit of drama and theatrics, and the show’s writers knew just how to pull on our heartstrings. rfnh

From Mike and Harvey reenacting their first interview where Mike conned his way into a position at the firm, but this time with the roles reversed as Mike jokingly questions Harvey, to Harvey’s conversation with Donna where he says,

“You know, I couldn’t have done any of this without you.”

“Any of what?”


With Coldplay’s Viva La Vida in the background, the audience is taken back to the very beginning to relive the most intense and emotional moments of the legal drama's nine seasons, reminding us just how far each of the characters have come, and wrapping up the final episode with a dedication to the Suits Family.

Why was this ending one of the best?

After so many iconic years, Suits managed to tie up loose ends and conclude their major storylines in a way that made sense and satisfied the massive following of fans that the show had built up over the years. The finale marked the end of an era in a sweet and memorable way, and gives the characters their well-deserved happy endings without being cheesy or clichéd.

We couldn’t have asked for a better closing argument.