Here's What Most Likely Will Happen to Colin in Ted Lasso Season 3 Next

Here's What Most Likely Will Happen to Colin in Ted Lasso Season 3 Next
Image credit: Apple TV+

The third episode of Ted Lasso's season three has given us plenty to think about as to where this season is heading, with viewers speculating whether some of the characters' secrets will soon be revealed.

Episode three, released on March 29, begins with Colin Hughes waking up at his boyfriend's apartment. That's right — it turns out the left winger is dating businessman Michael, and this makes these characters the first LGBTQ+ couple on the show.

At the end of the episode, Colin takes his boyfriend to a restaurant to celebrate the victory with the team.

The couple doesn't reveal their relationship, but after the event, Trent Crimm sees the footballer and Michael kissing. Viewers think that this scene is foreshadowing that Colin will be outed in the future episodes. But who will do that to him?

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"I don't think Trent Crimm is gonna out him — he outed Ted's panic attacks [to] the public and obviously felt very bad about it," a fan commented on Reddit, and that's quite spot on. Since Crimm is going through his redemption arc right now, it's unlikely he will make Colin's secret public. Rather, he will save it for his book!

"There's been a theory since season 1 that Trent Crimm is actually gay, and I've been wondering if that will come into play, where he connects to Colin and gets to weave a bit of his own Ted-inspired magic lessons," another Redditor shared their idea. This also sounds plausible: as the sports reporter is now aware of Colin's sexuality, he could approach the left winger for a piece of advice.

Agreeing that Crimm is above suspicion, viewers considered if Zava or Nate could let out Colin's secret.

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Although Zava seems to be too egocentric, given that he got Colin benched, this development is not impossible. We also know that Nate bullied Colin before he left for West Ham, and Colin's sexuality may be an ace up his sleeve for emergencies.

There is yet another theory. "Shandy attempts to out Colin — Trent finds out and suggests Colin beat her to it — Trent will then tell Keeley that Shandy tried to out Colin and she'll kick her out her company," a Reddit user suggested. And then, after being fired, Shandy may join Nate in West Ham United as their PR.

Well, we won't find out how that storyline develops until seeing the upcoming episodes. But hopefully, AFC Richmond and Coach Lasso himself will do everything to make their player comfortable about his sexuality, and Colin won't be hurt by other people meddling into and criticizing his relationships and feelings.