Here's What Happened to Succession Characters Post-Finale, According to Creator

Here's What Happened to Succession Characters Post-Finale, According to Creator
Image credit: Legion-Media

Jesse Armstrong on the fate of Kendall, Shiv, and Roman.

Succession is a masterful tragicomedy reminiscent of Shakespeare's plays. Logan's children each inherited billion-dollar fortunes but didn't get Waystar or the position of CEO, which their father and the toxic corporate culture have for years conditioned them to think was the only thing worth inheriting.

Few fans hope for a sequel, but everyone copes in their own way, continuing to analyse the characters, fates, and futures. Moreover, the show's creator, Jesse Armstrong, understands that the journey never ends for the Roy siblings, even after the finale.


'In a reductive, brutal way, Roman ends up exactly where he started. He is that guy still. And he maybe easily could have been a playboy jerk with some slightly nasty instincts, and some quite funny jokes. He could’ve stayed in a bar, being that guy. And this has been a bit of a detour in his life, I would say,' Armstrong said.

Roman may never fulfil his dream of running a media giant. Would he have been a terrible CEO? Absolutely not. But power could have turned him into a terrible tyrant like his father.


'Shiv is still in play, I’d say, in a rather terrifying, frozen, emotionally barren place. But she has got this kind of non-victory, non-defeat. I mean, there’s gonna be some movement there. There’s still a lot of that game to play out, but that’s where we leave it,' he continued.

Shiv found herself in the best position to preserve power in Waystar. However, it is a heavy burden, as she has never managed to make her voice heard in the patriarchal culture. Her relationship with Tom only adds to the tragedy.


'For Kendall, this will never stop being the central event of his life, the central days of his life, central couple of years of his life. Maybe he could go on and start a company, or do a thing. But the chances of him achieving the sort of corporate status that his dad achieved are very low. And I think that will mark his whole life,' the show's All-Father concluded.

All his life, Ken has tried to prove to his father that he's just as much of a killer and just as good. But now that he has been robbed of his motivation to carry on, perhaps he will find a new purpose in life (at least to apologise to his children and Rava).

The lives and fates of the siblings extend far beyond our perception and screen time, so the season 4 finale was likely just another stage for them. And perhaps now, somewhere in the fictional world of Succession, the siblings are all together, having another family reunion.

Source: Max.