Here's the Hidden Meaning Behind Outlander's Season 7 Episode Titles

Here's the Hidden Meaning Behind Outlander's Season 7 Episode Titles
Image credit: STARZ

Recently, official Outlander accounts sent fans of the time-travelling historical drama into a frenzy by unveiling the episode titles for the first part of the seventh and final season, set to air in just two short months.

Excited fans flocked to social media to decipher the titles' meanings and speculate about the plots of these upcoming episodes. Here are their guesses.

701: A Life Well Lost

Many of the titles allude to phrases from the Diana Gabaldon novels upon which the show is based. 'A Life Well Lost' is a line uttered by Jamie after Tom sacrifices himself to save Claire's life as she faces trial for Malva's murder. However, fans concur that the title could hold a dual meaning, perhaps signalling the loss of not only Tom's life but also Allan's in this episode.

702: The Happiest Place on Earth

Following Allan's death in the prior episode, 702 will likely see the MacKenzies depart the series, and the Malva storyline conclude. The episode title references Disneyland in the books. Fans theorise that Bree may give birth to Mandy in this episode, and the firefly scene from the teaser could also play out in it.

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703: Death Be Not Proud

The ominous title leads many fans to anticipate a high-stakes episode with many deaths. The Big House fire will probably occur in this episode. Additionally, fans expect Mrs.

Bug's death by Ian's arrow to happen right after the fire. If Allan survives until this episode, Ian may be the one to kill him as well.

704: A Most Uncomfortable Woman

This phrase from the books is used to describe Claire. However, fans believe that Claire may not be the only uncomfortable woman in Outlander. The episode might feature Brianna securing her engineering job and making her male counterparts uneasy in the process.

705: Singapore

This title perplexes fans, as Singapore is never mentioned in the novels. Some recall that the British surrendered Singapore to the Japanese in 1942 and wonder if there might be a connection to Frank and his wartime endeavours.

Other fans suggest that the word Singapore could symbolise a journey that doesn't end as expected, reminiscent of the Dismal Swamp that serves as a backdrop for many characters in the series' seventh book.

706: Where The Waters Meet

Fans concur that this title refers to Fort Ticonderoga, as its name derives from the phrase 'it is at the junction of two waterways.' The books feature several intense storylines set at this location.

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707: A Practical Guide for Time Travelers

The title likely refers to the notebook in which Brianna and Roger document their knowledge and theories about time travel.

708: Turning Points

As a somewhat generic title, Turning Points could signify a variety of developments. Fans anticipate the midseason finale will be packed with multiple twists and cliffhangers for each storyline. Part 2 of Season 7 is slated for a 2024 release, so viewers need something to keep them hooked for an entire year.