Have You Noticed This Silly Little Joke in Black Mirror's Joan Is Awful?

Have You Noticed This Silly Little Joke in Black Mirror's Joan Is Awful?
Image credit: Netflix

Calculators out!

Joan Is Awful is hands down one of the best episodes of the new Black Mirror season. It provides plenty of food for thought while being lighthearted and funny at the same time. Of course, as with many episodes, Charlie Brooker filled the Season 6 premiere with plenty of obvious (hello, Streamberry) and hidden references to the real world and the Black Mirror universe, as well as little details for viewers to notice and gush over.

One of those fun details was recently drawn attention to by eagle-eyed viewers on Reddit.

The episode features a rather intricate plot. When the protagonist, Joan, played by Schitt's Creek's Annie Murphy, discovers that her life has been turned into a Salma Hayek-starring TV show that chronicles her every move during the day and reveals her every secret, she does everything she can to stop it. Naturally, the Hayek version of her repeats every action Joan takes on screen, which gives the protagonist an idea to embarrass the Hollywood star and get her to shut down the show.

So she does some despicable things involving a ridiculous outfit, lots of burgers and laxatives, and a church wedding. The scene is so chaotic and hysterical that it is easy to miss the silly easter egg joke the creator included. When Joan is arrested after her dirty deed (pun intended), her mug shot shows her holding a board with her case ID. And that ID has special significance.

Have You Noticed This Silly Little Joke in Black Mirror's Joan Is Awful? - image 1

‘I’m such a child but Joan’s ID Number is 800850. When you type 80085 on a calculator, it spells boobs,’ a Black Mirror fan wrote on the show's subreddit, prompting fellow Redditors to rediscover their inner child.

Remember back in school when we used to key in all sorts of things on our calculators? Of course, BOOBS and BOOBIES (upside down 5318008) seemed the funniest back then, but there were other words like HELLO and HELLHOLE that never failed to make us laugh. Of course, this is not the most mature joke for the horror anthology, but it perfectly reflects the mood of the scene and the episode.

After all, calculators are also technology, and this BOOBS or BOOBSO on Joan's board shows that the artificial intelligence featured in the episode, aka Quamputer, has developed a grade-school-level sense of humour.

Source: Reddit.