Friends Fans Agree That This Is the Most Underexplored Relationship on the Show

The compelling connection between these two characters wasn't given enough screen time.
- Friends had several underexplored relationships between its main characters.
- The couple in question had the most dynamism and tension of any of them.
- They brought out the best in each other, even though they disagreed on many things.
Over the ten seasons that Friends was on the air, it explored many twists and turns in the relationships of its main characters, six friends from New York trying to make it personally and professionally in the Big Apple. There were some constant arcs like the on-again, off-again romance between Ross and Rachel or Chandler and Joey's friendship. Later, Chandler and Monica became a thing. But some pairings never got enough screen time.
While Rachel and Joey's friendship-turned-romance was somewhat explored on the show, Chandler and Rachel's relationship never got enough development. Neither did his relationship with Phoebe, who seemed to hate him and often made fun of him. But at the end of the day, these are not the character arcs that Friends fans most regret not seeing.
Opposites Attract
Throughout the ten seasons of Friends, Ross and Phoebe were portrayed as polar opposites. As a man of science, Ross was rational and did not believe in the nonsense of astrology or magical rituals.
Meanwhile, Phoebe was open to the supernatural and unexplainable. Their argument about the (non-)existence of God is perhaps the most iconic moment in their storyline. But despite their many differences, the two characters had quite a nice relationship.
For example, in the fifth episode of Season 7, Ross is struggling to come to terms with his status as a thrice-divorced man and is considering starting a divorced men's club. He and Phoebe start dating a divorced couple, which reflects poorly on their own relationship since they are now on different sides. Fortunately, the exes soon realize they still have feelings for each other and dump Ross and Phoebe to give it another try. And Phoebe calms Ross down, assuring him that being divorced is not a problem.
The Best of Phoebe and Ross
Phoebe was not the most considerate person when it came to other people's feelings. She spoke her mind without thinking twice about the implications of her own words and never cared if someone took offense. But with Ross, Phoebe often went out of her way to make him feel better. In fact, it was Phoebe who supported Ross throughout the ten seasons of the show. She was the one who drove him to the airport to tell Rachel that he loved her.
In return, Ross also showed his best side in his relationship with Phoebe. In Episode 9, Season 7, he patiently tries to teach her how to ride a bike, even though she's notoriously stubborn and chickens out several times.
Unfortunately, Friends doesn't really delve into their relationship, and we don't know if it was as satisfying as Chandler and Joey's friendship.