Forget Delena: These 5 Fan Ships Deserved to Be TVD Canon

Canon is nowhere near as fascinating as headcanons.
Stefan and Elena, Damon and Elena, Enzo and Bonnie (okay, these two were actually great together) — boring! Given the diversity of characters in The Vampire Diaries, the series' main romantic stories were not always able to capture the hearts of fans, as some of the relationships lacked chemistry, and others were a little too vanilla for one of the most edgy teen dramas.
So it's not surprising that many fans had (and still have) their own headcanon. TVD proved to be a wonderful space for interpretation and imagination, as the dynamics of many of the characters provided far better ship material than the actual script.
Here are the best ships that should've been part of The Vampire Diaries.
5. Stefan and Lexi
Stefan's best friend, Lexi Branson, was one of the greatest additions to the show and captivated fans almost immediately. She was a good friend who cared about Stefan and helped him regain his humanity even after her death.
Many believed that she was a much better partner for Stefan than Elena, but the writers decided to kill her off too quickly, using her only as a plot device for Stefan's development.
4. Tyler and Elena
Not the most obvious, but definitely one of the most compelling ships. Elena and Tyler have known each other since childhood, he has saved her repeatedly throughout the series, and she has never been unkind to him, even when he was on the opposite side after becoming a werewolf.
3. Elena and Bonnie
All queer characters presented on the show only play supporting roles in the story, and that's why a romantic relationship between Elena and Bonnie, two of the main characters, was the most desirable for shippers. The two best friends were willing to sacrifice their lives for each other and showed even more care for one another than their partners.
2. Bonnie and Damon
The enemies-to-lovers trope might be a bit boring, but we'd forgive the writers if they used it for 'Bamon.' Bonnie and Damon initially hated each other but became close, especially when they were stuck together in the prison world, so it would be logical to take their dynamic one step up to romance. Sadly, their relationship remained platonic.
1. Stefan and Klaus
Oh, fans loved seeing how interested Klaus was in the young vampire. He wasn't just standing on the sidelines admiring his skills, he was doing everything he could to get him back on the Ripper's path so they would conjure up devious plans together. Isn't this the best ship ever?