Even Vampire Diaries Books Author Was Thrown by This Change in the Show

Today, The Vampire Diaries is so popular and has such a huge fanbase that it is hard to imagine that the supernatural show could feature completely different storylines and characters played by completely different actors.
However, not every fan of the series knows that their favorite vampire teen drama is based on the young adult book series of the same name written by L.J. Smith. The first trilogy was released in 1991-1992 and told the love story of vampire Stefan Salvatore and half-angel Elena Gilbert.
The CW show, which premiered in 2009, has changed a lot from the source material. But the biggest changes have been made to the female protagonist, Elena Gilbert.
In the book series, Elena is a mean schoolgirl who can come across as self-centered and bitchy. For example, she claims that Stefan belongs to her when they first meet.
The show's Elena is much more thoughtful and kind. But the main thing the CW show has changed about the title character is her appearance.
The book Elena is a blonde with blue eyes, which is probably explained by her angelic origin. Yes, the books had angels. But the show replaced them with other supernatural beings and, more importantly, made Elena fully human, casting dark-haired, dark-eyed Nina Dobrev in the role.
Today, it is impossible to imagine anyone but Dobrev playing Elena and her doppelgängers, but back then, L.J. Smith took the decision to cast her with a grain of salt.
Apparently, she wanted to see someone blonde in the role. But for the show's creators, it was important to cast an actress who could perfectly capture Elena's character, rather than someone who matched the book protagonist's physical appearance.
Though Dobrev's first audition went horribly due to illness and showrunners quickly dismissed her candidacy, the actress knew no one could portray Elena better than her. So she asked for a second chance and made a video that impressed everyone so much that they cast her without a second thought.
More than that, Dobrev's brilliant performance reassured L.J. Smith, who later told MTV that she loved Dobrev's Elena.
‘I really, really like the Elena that they picked, Nina Dobrev. Even though she's brunette, and not blond, which took some getting used to for me, she's a great actress,’ the famous author said.