Discover Your Stranger Things Alter Ego Based on Your Zodiac

Discover Your Stranger Things Alter Ego Based on Your Zodiac
Image credit: Netflix/Legion-Media

Let's see how our favorite characters match up with the zodiac signs.

Which resident of Hawkins are you, based on your Sun sign quirks and traits?

Aries (March 21 – April 19) – Eleven

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Fiery Aries, you're Eleven – bold, courageous, and not afraid to shave your head for the greater good. This gal's story begins in the shadowy halls of Hawkins National Laboratory, where experiments on her psychic abilities set off the chain of events that would bring us face to face with the Demogorgon.

She uses her telekinetic powers to save her friends time and again, be it flipping a van in mid-air or closing a gate to another dimension. She even finds a pseudo-family, showcasing an Aries' loyalty and heart. Just like an Aries, Eleven is always at the center of action, whether she's moving trains with her mind or fighting a mind-controlling entity.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) – Jim Hopper

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Like a Taurus, Jim Hopper is the rock of the Stranger Things ensemble – reliable, determined, and a tad stubborn. The Chief of Hawkins Police starts off as a jaded lawman, drowning sorrows in coffee and contemplation. But don't be fooled; beneath that gruff exterior beats the heart of a man who'd do anything to protect his town and loved ones, showcasing that Taurian loyalty.

From uncovering government conspiracies to adopting Eleven as his own, Hopper is the stability amidst chaos. Remember the time he went into the Russian lab under Hawkins? That's pure Taurus energy – unwavering and brave.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) – Steve Harrington

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Geminis, with your dual nature and charm, Steve "The Hair" Harrington is your Hawkins counterpart. Steve starts off as your typical high school king – cool, charismatic, and a bit of a player. But throughout the series, he becomes a lovable ally to the younger crew. His partnership with Dustin is pure Gemini magic – quick-witted banter, strategic thinking, and adaptability when things go south (like being trapped in an underground Russian bunker).

Steve's arc from popular guy to "Mom of the Year" shows a Gemini's versatility and ability to grow. Whether he's wielding a nail-bat against creatures or serving up scoops at the mall, Steve keeps things interesting – a true Gemini trait.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) – Will Byers

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Sensitive and intuitive Cancers, you embody Will Byers, the boy whose disappearance into the Upside Down kicked off the whole shebang. Will's experience is a Cancer's nightmare: taken from his comfort zone into a cold, dark reflection of his world. But his resilience is astounding – using his smarts and connection to his mother to communicate across dimensions through flickering lights.

His dedication to his friends and family, even when possessed by an otherworldly entity, is pure Cancer loyalty. It's not all doom and gloom for Will; his creativity and artistic skills shine through, proving that even in the darkest times, a Cancer can find a way to light up the room – or in this case, the whole town.

Leo (July 23 – August 22) – Billy Hargrove

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Leo, with your fiery spirit and magnetic presence, you're mirrored in the troubled yet charismatic Billy Hargrove. Billy rolls into Hawkins with a cloud of controversy in his Camaro, his mane of hair, and an attitude that screams Leo confidence. This king of the high school scene captures attention, for better or worse, and has a competitive streak that puts him at the top of the food chain.

Billy's internal battle and eventual sacrifice highlight a Leo's strength and inherent nobility. In his final moments, protecting Eleven, Billy redeems himself, showing that even the most troubled Leo has the heart of a lion, ready to fight for what's right.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22) – Nancy Wheeler

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Virgos, Nancy Wheeler is your on-screen persona – the ultimate perfectionist, armed with a camera and a fierce intellect. Nancy starts as a high schooler entangled in a love triangle, but she quickly evolves into a fearless investigator, driven to uncover the truths of Hawkins' supernatural phenomena.

Her methodical approach to exposing the Hawkins Lab and her dedication to solving the mystery of the flayed rats showcase the Virgo's analytical and hardworking nature. Nancy's not just about the brain, though; her heartfelt care for her friends and family drives her forward, demonstrating that Virgo warmth that might not always be visible.

Libra (September 23 – October 22) – Mike Wheeler

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Libras, with your charm and a strong sense of justice, Mike Wheeler is your counterpart in Stranger Things. As the unofficial leader of the group, Mike is all about balance and fairness, constantly striving to keep his friends safe and united. He's the first to befriend Eleven and stands as her staunch defender throughout the series. Whether he's devising plans to take on the Demogorgon or navigating the complexities of young love, Mike is peak Libra energy, always seeking harmony and often playing peacemaker.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) – Max Mayfield

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Intense and passionate Scorpios, you align with the spirited Max Mayfield. Max zooms into Hawkins on her skateboard, her fiery red hair a flag of her fierce and independent nature. She's initially an outsider but quickly makes her mark, especially when she stands up to the boys' initial resistance to her joining the group – a true Scorpio move. Her vulnerability in Season 3, as she grapples with the loss of her brother, shows the emotional intensity Scorpios are known for. And her loyalty to her friends, particularly Eleven, as they navigate adolescence, is Scorpio through and through.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) – Dustin Henderson

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Dustin Henderson is the group's lovable comic relief with a curious mind and a heart full of adventure. Armed with the Sagittarian trait of sometimes biting off more than one can chew and Sagittarius-like enthusiasm, Dustin dives into the mysteries of the Upside Down, applying his quick wit and extensive knowledge of science and fantasy lore. His dynamic with Steve Harrington blossoms into a brotherly bond, showing that a Sag's natural charisma can win over just about anyone – even a former high school king.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) – Lucas Sinclair

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Capricorn, your zodiac match is Lucas Sinclair – disciplined, practical, and ready to face any challenge with a level head. Lucas brings a Capricorn's determination to the group, initially skeptical of Eleven and the supernatural events, embodying the earth sign's need for tangible evidence before fully committing. His strategic thinking is crucial in many of the group's adventures. As tensions rise in later seasons, it's Lucas' inherent Capricorn leadership and sense of responsibility that shine, guiding his friends through perilous times.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) – Jonathan Byers

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Aquarius, you're the independent thinker, the one who walks a unique path – much like Jonathan Byers. As Will's older brother, Jonathan takes on the role of the quiet outsider with a creative soul, armed with his trusty camera and a fierce loyalty to his family. Throughout the series, Jonathan's actions reflect an Aquarian's altruistic nature, especially when he teams up with Nancy to expose the dark secrets of Hawkins Lab. While he may seem aloof, his dedication to those he loves is anything but detached – it's the mark of a true Aquarius, whose love runs deep and whose actions speak volumes.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20) – Joyce Byers

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Pisces, you share your spirit with the heart of the show, Joyce Byers. Joyce's unwavering belief in the unseen and her determination to find Will when he vanishes showcases the Piscean blend of intuition and a nurturing spirit. Whether she's stringing up Christmas lights to communicate with Will or tearing through interdimensional portals to save him, Joyce's actions are fueled by a mother's love and a Piscean depth of feeling. Her vulnerabilities and strengths are two sides of the same coin, making her a relatable and beloved figure who embodies the essence of Pisces: empathy, imagination, and resilience.