Deceptively Innocent Kanthony Scene Leaves Bridgerton Fans Flustered

Deceptively Innocent Kanthony Scene Leaves Bridgerton Fans Flustered
Image credit: Netflix

Even though Season 2 of Bridgerton was released over a year ago, discussions about it seem to go on and on.

The season, which focuses on the relationship between the eldest Bridgerton sibling, Anthony, and newcomer Kate Sharma, has so impressed the show's huge audience that a whole fan community has sprung up around Kathony, as fans call the couple.

Viewers found themselves glued to their screens thanks to the undeniable chemistry between the two leads.

Thanks to the brilliant performances of Jonathan Bailey and Simone Ashley, the classic "enemies turned lovers" trope found a new twist and crazy sexual tension.

All the arguments, jealousy, sexual frustration, secret conversations, breathing, lustful looks, and steamy scenes left no viewer untouched. Anthony Bridgerton quickly became the Internet's crush, replacing Simon Basset from Season 1.

Even a year and many rewatches later, Kathony's story remains a fan favorite.

Viewers are still finding new little moments to drool over. Recently, one of these short but hot scenes from season 2 was posted on Twitter and had many users in a frenzy. It was posted in the thread created by user @haIadriel, who asked other users to post examples of a good male performance in which a character was sexually feral. Naturally, Bailey's Anthony Bridgerton got more than one mention.

The account @NoContxtBton posted a particularly wild scene in which Anthony publicly and shamelessly takes a whiff of Kate after she walks past him. While the scene seems innocent enough, there is undeniable sexual tension, and Anthony's actions are on the edge of propriety for the Regency-era universe.

"Not only did we see it, but we also HEARD it," one of the commenters wrote below the video.

Anthony's sniff is deep, and he takes a moment to savor Kate's scent. The comic relief in the scene comes when he opens his misty eyes to see Lady Danbury looking at him with obvious disapproval. Fans noted that the way these two look at each other, there should have been a scene where Lady Danbury pulls Anthony's ear and drags him after Kate.

This brief scene perfectly reflects why fans love Bridgerton.

The attention to detail, the top-notch acting, the camera work, the writing, the palpable sexual tension in every interaction is exactly what created the huge Bridgerton fanbase and what viewers hope to see in the next season.