Cringiest Thing Damon Ever Did to Elena in Vampire Diaries (Ew, Just Ew)

He was a heartless killer, a manipulator… and he had slept with her mother.
Damon Salvatore was one of the most controversial characters on The Vampire Diaries. His charm, loyalty and humor could never truly make up for the fact that deep down, he was a violent monster, but over time fans were able to slowly trust him, and he undeniably grew on them, especially after he began a romantic relationship with Elena.
Damon and Elena's love was passionate and full of twists and turns, they started off hating each other but he couldn't help but be drawn to her. Although a strong couple, their relationship has often been described as abusive, and Damon as controlling. Despite all that, and everything he had done, Elena loved him unconditionally, but there is one thing that nobody will ever get over:
The fact that Damon had a sexual relationship with Elena's mother, Isobel.
It didn't last long, but it still happened, and we cannot forget about it. What were the writers thinking?
It's worth noting that he also slept with her best friend Caroline, which would be hard to get over in itself, but that feels like nothing in comparison to the fact that Elena and her mother had both slept with the person that Elena was in a relationship with.
The 'ick' factor is overwhelming, but apparently not enough for Elena to turn her back on her beloved Damon.
The Vampire Diaries, as bloody, violent and heartbreaking as it may be, has never evoked as big a reaction from fans as their reaction to the Damon-and-Elena's-Mom storyline. Keeping it in the family is one thing, but this takes it to another level.
Damon and Isobel had their encounter way back in season 1, and the past is in the past, but there is just something next-level 'ew' about it, that makes his countless murders and wrongdoings feel slightly less awful, with this move of his taking the top spot
At the time, Isobel did not have a relationship with Elena, as she had abandoned her, but the fact that Damon felt there was 'something special' about Isobel and slept with her before turning her into a vampire just feels wrong.
Not everything on The Vampire Diaries makes sense: there are vampires, witches, werewolves and countless spells, curses and plot twists, but one thing we will never understand; and that is, why this plot was included, and how Elena is okay with it.