Creepy Eyes and Weird Wigs: 5 Biggest Twilight Pet Peeves

Twilight will forever be iconic, but these fails still get under the skin of even die-hard fans.
5. Running
Twilight's vampires are gifted with exceptional, unnatural speed, making for thrilling chases and exploration. However, the saga could not seem to keep it consistent. Running went from looking like they were vibrating, to running faster than speed, and then back to the weird vibrating, and almost always made the vampires look floaty and weightless.
4. Makeup Mishaps
In general, the Twilight vampires looked far too pale, the female characters had more shape thanks to blush and contouring, but the men's faces often just one flat, solid color. Bella, and even Edward's eyebrows, looked like they had been plucked and waxed to nothingness, and it was common to see hairs and wrinkles under the makeup.
When Bella meets Edward's 'mother' Esme, we see a dark line between her forehead and hairline, which is her natural skin, that hadn't been covered by her pale makeup. There was even a scene between Bella and Jacob that had to be deleted due to bad makeup and terrible prosthetics.
3. Creepy Eyes
The Twilight cast wore colored contact lenses to give them their captivating, slightly unnatural vampire eyes. In some cases, they kept noticeably changing contacts, but even worse, the contacts made one character exceptionally creepy.
Jasper Hale made for a charming immortal, with his floppy blonde hair and cheeky smirk, but his eyes ruined everything. Besides being intensely orange, his gaze was unsettling and he rarely blinked, ever. He had an unnerving intensity in his stare that just put us off his character, and judging by the amount of parodies around Jasper's eyes, we know we're not the only ones disturbed.
2. Unsettling CGI Baby
The Twilight saga relied on CGI to give us werewolf transformations and epic vampire battles, but the CGI team also gave us a character straight out of nightmares.
Breaking Dawn introduces Bella and Edward's human-vampire baby, Renesmee. Not only was her very existence unnatural, her appearance was creepy, right from birth. Twilight's attempt at a CGI baby gave us a weirdly animated, completely unnerving baby that rapidly grew into an unsettling Chucky doll-looking little girl.
Renesmee will forever be immortalized in our memories as one of the worst CGI fails,ever.
1. Wigs that got worse
From Edward's hideous 'pork chop' sideburns to Aro's sharp, heart-shaped hairline, the Twilight cast was done dirty by the wig department, and it got worse every movie.
The wigs worn by most of the cast looked cheap, hair that was meant to be blonde looked more yellow, none of the characters had baby hairs blending the wigs with their foreheads, and most of the wigs didn't suit or sit naturally on the characters, making the Twilight wigs the saga's most memorable fail.