
Cillian Murphy Might Be Just What $924M John Wick Franchise Needs Next

Cillian Murphy Might Be Just What $924M John Wick Franchise Needs Next
Image credit: Legion-Media

The fans of the franchise also want this to happen.

In an interview with Direct, John Wick franchise director Chad Stahelski said the first person that comes to mind when thinking about potential future collaborations is Irish actor Cillian Murphy.

'I'm a big 'Peaky Blinders' fan. So, you know, I just think Cillian would fit right in,' Stahelski said.

And the idea of Murphy joining the franchise is one that fans appear to be unanimously in favour of. While a fifth movie is yet to be confirmed, the fourth currently ranks as the fifth highest-grossing film of 2023. So far, it's pulled in more than $352 million worldwide, taking the overall gross figure for the franchise to a whopping $924 million.

So, why would it stop there? And why wouldn't the biggest stars on the planet get in on the act?

The only thing that seems to be dividing fans when it comes to the possible introduction of Cillian Murphy is whether he should be a hero or a villain.

One Redditor praised the Cork-born actor for being 'such a mega bastard' on Peaky Blinders, while another said, 'none of the villains that came after lived up to his'.

So, there's a good argument for making him a bad guy. But other users want to see him as a hero.

One user wrote that they would love to see him 'shown as a new hero in the John Wick franchise' but that they 'would miss those hairs if he cuts that hairstyle'. Well, you can't have everything.

And then there are those who don't care what part he gets, just so long as he joins the franchise. He could 'play a background character with no lines and still steal the scene' according to one opinion. A view that was reinforced by another that said he'd 'make a great anything for anybody'.

Even if Murphy doesn't appear in the fifth movie instalment, he could feature in a spin-off.

Keanu Reeves is on record as saying there are plans to expand the franchise, and there are already two spin-offs on the way (Ballerina and The Continental). Once again, it's hard to imagine there won't be more.

There's certainly an appetite for it. Reddit users have suggested the franchise could 'go international' with 'stories in London, Hong Kong, Paris etc.' Another has a much simpler wish – they 'just want the world of John Wick to get bigger.'

Murphy is one of the biggest stars on the planet right now. And John Wick has almost certainly surpassed what the creators hoped for in terms of box office success. Surely, that's a match made in heaven?

Source: Direct.