Charmaine's Scheming on Virgin River Actually Has a Valid Reason

And this year's mid-season finale proved it.
From day one of Virgin River, Charmaine Roberts, the perpetually pregnant lady, has been rubbing fans the wrong way. She seems to be constantly hiding something, scheming, and hatching questionable plots, which makes many viewers angry.
But what if we step into Charmaine's shoes and think about whether the Lauren Hammersley character could actually have a valid reason for behaving the way she has?
Charmaine Looks After Her Kids
Yes, Charmaine's pregnancy has become something of a meme after five seasons on the air, but it's been the driving force behind all of her motivations and actions. She's always putting her twins first.
Charmaine wants a good man to take care of her and her babies. And Jack seems like a perfect candidate. He is kind, he is responsible, he cares. That is why Charmaine has been so hung up on him since the start of the show.
Obviously, she has genuine feelings for Jack, but the bigger reason for all the erratic behavior, like trying to scare Mel away or calling Jack with every little problem (she asks him to unclog the kitchen sink, seriously?), has deeper roots. Charmaine is terrified.
When you weren't sure if you could have your basic needs like food and shelter met, you'd be scared to. And if you also had children to take care of, you'd be terrified.
Todd Arc Proves It
The best way to prove this is by looking at Charmaine's relationship with Todd. When Todd arrives on the scene, showering her with gifts and luxury, she jumps into the relationship headlong because she wants security for herself and her children while also hoping that someone will love her the way Jack loves Mel.
She tries to love Todd but never loses sight of Jack as a better but unavailable option. Why else would she keep the secret of her children's father? Todd would be happy to find out that it is not Jack.
Charmaine Deserves Sympathy
The depth of Charmaine's anxiety and fear was revealed in the recent mid-season finale when Calvin suddenly showed up to claim he was the twins' father. Charmaine looked positively terrified in the scene.
Imagine how hard it has always been for her to know that a dangerous local criminal was connected to her and her babies. What kind of father would he be? All of this certainly makes us feel sorry for Charmaine and want her to hold her head up, move forward, and stand on her own two feet, as Doc said. Do you agree?