Can You Believe They Actually Put This Scene in Teen Wolf?

Can You Believe They Actually Put This Scene in Teen Wolf?
Image credit: MTV

During its time on MTV from 2011 to 2017, Teen Wolf garnered a loyal following, but that doesn't mean the show wasn't without its flaws.

From plotholes to funny product placements, Teen Wolf's fandom has seen it all. However, there was one scene in particular that left even the most die-hard fans feeling a little uncomfortable.

The moment in question occurred during episode 16 of season 5 when viewers had to witness a sex scene between Liam, played by Dylan Sprayberry and Hayden, who was portrayed by Victoria Moroles.

Now, intimacy in itself wasn't necessarily unusual for the show, as it sometimes pushed the boundaries of what was generally considered appropriate for a teenage audience. So, what made this scene particularly notable wasn't that it was too explicit, but how cringe-worthy it was, and the way it was promoted by the show's social media team.

Using the hashtag #Puppylove, the SMM team tried to encourage fans to tune in and watch the scene play out, which was simply wrong on all fronts.

Can You Believe They Actually Put This Scene in Teen Wolf? - image 1

Firstly, this marketing move was probably an attempt to suggest that the scene would be particularly cute or romantic, however, it was anything but. In fact, not only did many fans feel like it was awkward to watch, but it also dragged on for far too long. One of the reasons for this general disappointment could be the fact that many feel like the two don't have any romantic chemistry and that the pairing isn't best-suited.

And secondly, let's be honest - they really didn't think the hashtag through. The word 'puppy,' which most likely refers to 'puppy pack,' a term that some fans gave Liam and his group, is already disliked by many and was never great, to begin with.

But as if that wasn't already bad enough, the cringe-worthy tag gave way to viewers taking it up a notch and changing it to #PuppyStyle on Twitter (not quite sure which one is worse).

Ultimately, this debacle reminds us of the power of social media and the importance of being mindful of how we promote content online. While it's crucial to generate buzz and excitement for a show, it's equally important to do so in an impactful way (and preferably in a way that doesn't cringe people out).