Bridgerton's Jessica Madsen Is Happy about the Fan Hatred for a Simple Reason, She Says

Bridgerton's Jessica Madsen Is Happy about the Fan Hatred for a Simple Reason, She Says
Image credit: Netflix

The Cressida actress receives tons of messages from fans of the show who hate her character.


  • Cressida has been Bridgerton's most hated character since Season 1.
  • Jessica Madsen doesn't take offense when fans tell her they hate Cressida.
  • Season 3 offers a different perspective on Cressida.

Since its debut in 2020, Bridgerton has captivated millions of fans around the world with the fascinating stories of the members of the titular family. Each Bridgerton on the show (there are nine if you count Violet) is an ultimate fan favorite for different reasons. Eloise is feisty. Colin is a sweetheart. Benedict is funny. Violet is caring. And so on. But some characters don't seem to get any love from the audience.

Cressida Cowper, played by Jessica Madsen, is perhaps the most hated character since Season 1 of Bridgerton. She's mean and cruel. And in Seasons 1 and 2, she often threw a spanner in the works of Daphne and Penelope. With that in mind, it is no surprise that many viewers despise Cressida. But it doesn't seem to bother the actress at all.

Jessica Madsen on Facing Fan Hatred

'People are not the biggest fan of [Cressida],' Jessica Madsen recently said of her Bridgerton character, adding that she gets a lot of DMs from fans of the show saying they enjoy hating Cressida a lot.

According to the actress, she's not offended by the messages, she doesn't 'take those things personally' and often responds with a 'You're welcome' as a joke. In fact, Madsen is happy to elicit such a reaction from viewers, and for a simple reason.

'It makes me feel like I've done my job right,' she said in an interview.

Indeed, there's no greater praise for an actor than to see that they've managed to portray a character the way it should be portrayed, and to evoke feelings in viewers that they're supposed to feel. In the case of Cressida, it was hatred and disgust for most of Bridgerton's run. But in Season 3, this character's arc has taken a major turn in a different direction.

Cressida's Transformation in Season 3

Like any actor, Jessica Madsen tends to make excuses for her character and smooth the edges of her personality. For this reason, the actress has never been ashamed to play Cressida, whom she has never considered to be a bad person. In Madsen's opinion, Cressida has always been misunderstood because the audience hasn't seen her background, which is only beginning to come to light in Season 3.

'The mask is falling off Cressida. She's becoming a human being. No, we're getting to see her human side and why she is the way she is,' Jessica Madsen said of the new angle from which her character is being portrayed. 'And yeah, that every mean girl has something beneath her.'

Thanks to her friendship with Eloise, Cressida has become a much more pleasant person. And hopefully this transformation will continue in the second part of Bridgerton Season 3 when it premieres on June 13.

Source: People.

How do you feel about Eloise and Cressida's friendship?