Big Bang Theory Fans Admit They Woudn’t Want Penny as a Friend

The bickering and frequent debates on The Big Bang Theory may be fun and entertaining to watch play out on the screen, but when it comes to reality, would fans really want to hang out with any of the cast members, including Penny (Kaley Cuoco).
Yes, Penny is undeniably attractive. She has the type of outgoing, bubbly personality that is infectious and generates attention. It’s the perfect complement to the dominant, confrontational nature of Sheldon Cooper (Jim Parsons) and the tentative Leonard Hofstadter (Johnny Galecki).
Penny should be the one character on The Big Bang Theory that everyone likes and wants to be around. Nevertheless, in real life, that is not exactly the case.
Redditors, when recently confronted with the option of A) dating, B) befriending, or C) ignoring Penny, the general consensus was that they would take the latter.
It’s not that fans necessarily hate or love Penny. It’s just that they do not feel like she would make a quality friend or decent lover.
'Female here,' one Redditor introduced before sounding off on all the reasons not to like Penny. The criticism may be harsh but reflects the point that some viewers do not consider Penny a genuinely good person or with a purpose in life that is significant.
'I only befriend intelligent girls who actually have a point to their existence,' one Redditor lambasted. Meanwhile, another female fan added that she considers Penny a bully.
Surprisingly, the criticism is shared equally with the opposite sex. There are more than a few men that may find Kaley Cuoco attractive, yet, in terms of her character Penny, they would rather take a pass.
Men do not seem interested in dating or befriending Penny because of her lack of success or personal growth. 'I would not be interested until she decides to grow up,' a male Redditor chimed in. Another put it more bluntly: 'No, not at all.'
However, not everyone despises Penny from The Big Bang Theory.
The Reddit thread is a prime example of how many audience members are willing to defend the character, even if she gets pushed over by some of the other regulars. Penny may have her flaws, but as one poster put it, Penny reminds her of her own friends, each with their own quirks or annoyances.
Penny may never win a contest for the most popular character on The Big Bang Theory, but that seems like a shame. She may display a few qualities that would make her a poor friend, but does that really make her an awful person?
Most would agree the answer to that question is no. Regardless, don’t expect Penny to be hanging around many social circles in the coming future.