Big Bang Theory Episode That Still Bugs Even the Most Loyal Sheldon Fans

Big Bang Theory Episode That Still Bugs Even the Most Loyal Sheldon Fans
Image credit: CBS

The Big Bang Theory may have ended four years ago, but it is still sparking discussions within its fandom. The most recent one concerns its most controversial character, Sheldon Cooper.

Sheldon is notoriously selfish and rude. And this is his comedic trait that has made many fans of the sitcom laugh. But sometimes he is overly self-centered. Even Sheldon's most ardent fans find him unbearable.

Season 7 episode 16 is one of those times. As you may recall, Sheldon is terrified of change. So when Penny suggested getting a dining room table for the apartment he and Leonard share, Sheldon protested. He also nearly threw a tantrum when they bought a table and installed it in the apartment.

Sheldon almost broke up with his girlfriend, but came to terms with the table. However, he still refused to sit at it.

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Although it seemed like a small thing, the table brought Sheldon's selfishness to the surface. Fans of the show remembered his other flaws as well. But what bothers them most is that Sheldon came out of the situation victorious. The other characters just left the table and joined him on the couch.

TBBT fans find it irritating that Sheldon was morally wrong and still got what he wanted. As he usually does, many point out.

"The problem I had with the show was that the Seldon Cooper character always got what he wanted in almost every episode. I hated the series finale...Sheldon always gets what Sheldon wants," wrote Redditor terryriw.

Many blame his mother, Mary. She spoiled him with her excessive attention and catering to his every need. She basically taught him to always get his way, fans say.

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Sheldon was extremely rude to his friends in this episode. Even when he understood that Leonard's reasoning about getting new things for the apartment, which Sheldon had eventually come to like, was better than his own, he didn't give up his refusal to get a table.

The episode earned Sheldon a lot of criticism from his most loyal fans. While some say that if he hadn't been such a jerk, there wouldn't have been a show, others say that he's a spoiled baby. By the way, this was said several times during the episode. This just goes to show how insufferable Sheldon can be.