Bernadette's 5 Savage One-Liners That Made Even Hardcore TBBT Fans Lose It

And these just scratch the surface of her verbal brutality.
TBBT's Bernadette (Melissa Rauch) was never afraid to speak her mind. And the character had some of the best (and cruelest) one-liners in the show. Some of them even made hardcore fans lose their minds.
Here, in no particular order, are just 5 examples of when Bernadette was really wild:
1. Savage retirement card
This wasn't intentional, but remember when she wrote a retirement card to a lady in her office that read: 'Hey Vivian, you deserve this. And at least with you gone, no one will steal my yoghurt out of the fridge. Lol :) P.S. Good luck wherever you wind up.' Genius writing!
2. Poking fun at Sheldon and Amy's personal life
Then there was the time she and Amy were talking about their husbands and the subject of work came up. Now, as we know, both girls were more than happy to have a little moan about their own partners - but that didn't mean either was fair game for the other. And Bernadette was quick to shoot Amy down with the brutal line: 'Gosh, Amy, I'm sensing a little hostility. Is it maybe because, like Sheldon's work, your sex life is also theoretical?' Ouch!
3. Poor Howard
How about when she was in bed with Howard, who told her he was distracted 'thinking about Raj', and she shot back at him: 'And I'm thinking about Chris Hemsworth'? Very funny and classic Bernadette.
4. Poor Howard's cooking skills
On another occasion, Bernadette came home from work and dinner had been cooked. She immediately thanked Stuart for making the meal, prompting Howard to ask why she assumed he hadn't cooked. Her answer was to the point and true: 'There's only three people in this house and you'd still be my fifth guess,' she said.
5. Mrs Wolowitz avenged
Bernadette's quick wit wasn't just reserved for those closest to her (or those who had recently been hospitalised following a car accident). At the airport, when staff misplaced the ashes of Howard's mother, who had flown in from Florida, Bernadette took no prisoners. She told the attendant: 'You better find my husband's mother because one way or another, we're walking out of this airport with a dead woman.'
Throughout her time on the show, Bernadette often proved to be the sharpest of the bunch. She didn't suffer fools and had a confidence that some of the other characters lacked. As a result, she often had the sharpest (and funniest) lines.