Another Reason Why Benedict's Story in Bridgerton Season 4 is Unlikely

Another Reason Why Benedict's Story in Bridgerton Season 4 is Unlikely
Image credit: Netflix

The odds really aren’t looking great for a Season 4 featuring Benedict.

There seems to be further confirmation that Bridegrton Season 4 will not be Benedict-centered, with one fan sharing a screenshot of what seems to be confirmation that actress Claudia Jesse, who plays Eloise Bridegrton, has been credited for her role in Bridgerton Season 4.

Season 4 is Eloise's season?
by u/papdipal in BridgertonNetflix

This could simply mean that the actress will be reprising her role in season 4, or it could point to the idea that Eloise Bridgerton will take center stage in the season, although many fans have said they want to see her grow more as an individual, independent woman, before having her love story play out on screen.

So, the wait for Benedict’s story continues.

The hold-up on Benedict Bridgerton comes from a theory that once a character has had their season, they are far less involved in future seasons, and someone behind Bridgerton doesn’t want that anytime soon for Benedict.

We've seen it happen with the first season’s pair. After a whirlwind romance that captivated fans, Daphne and Simon’s story seemed to wither out, as Simon was not a part of season 2. Daphne seems to be appearing less and less herself, and fans are disappointed not to see their story continue on screen.

So, perhaps the Bridegrton team is working to avoid making the same mistake with other beloved characters, like Benedict Bridegrton.

The second Bridgerton brother’s love story takes place in An Offer from a Gentleman, Julia Quinn’s third book in the series, and sees him in a Cinderella-esque romance with a mysterious woman he meets and falls in love with at a masked ball, only for her to disappear.

Many thought his pivotal love story would take place in season 3, which we now know will focus on Penelope and Colin as the series skips the third book and moves on to the fourth. Since straying away from the sequence of the books, it has been unclear what order future potential Bridgerton seasons will follow. At this point, only the Shondaland producers likely know what is in store for future seasons.

Benedict is a firm favorite, and whether or not the theory that a character fades into the background once they have had their love story is true or not, fans are more than ready for a season to focus on him, and they cannot wait forever.