Amy's Great but TBBT Fans Think Sheldon Lost His Soulmate by Overlooking This Girl

They had a lot in common and would get along very well.
- Sheldon's love life wasn't particularly impressive.
- In S9E8, Raj and Howard found a perfect match for Sheldon, but he rejected her for a petty reason.
- Only Amy could put up with Sheldon and his personality.
Sheldon, portrayed by Jim Parsons, was one of the three original main characters of The Big Bang Theory. As intelligent as a leading CalTech physicist could be, he had a terribly off-putting personality. He was arrogant and smug, with little regard for other people's feelings. Perhaps for this reason, he didn't have a love life for most of the show's twelve seasons.
Fortunately, Sheldon eventually married Amy Fowler, a fellow researcher at CalTech who really helped him become a better person. But even though the two made each other happy and, according to Sheldon's narration on Young Sheldon, created a loving family, some TBBT fans still feel that Amy isn't the best Sheldon could have gotten.
A Limited Edition Puzzle-Loving Girl
Apparently, Sheldon was difficult to deal with, and even Amy wasn't always up to the task. So it's no surprise that they broke up several times during TBBT's twelve-year run on CBS.
But when Sheldon and Amy broke up again in Season 9, it seemed final. So much so that Dr. Cooper was even ready to start dating someone else, but given his high standards, finding a suitable match was a tall order. Fortunately, Raj and Howard came up with a solution: they posted a series of complicated puzzles about physics and Star Trek on the Internet, hoping that some bright girl worthy of Sheldon's attention would solve them and decipher his contact information in order to set up a date.
Sure, it might seem that no one would respond to this complicated message, but one woman did show up and stunned Raj and Howard with her intelligence and, most importantly, her looks. And it seemed that Sheldon also appreciated her scientific prowess and command of Klingon, but he coldly turned her down because she was a few minutes late. Naturally, TBBT fans think he missed out on dating his soul mate.
'Tall, pretty, smart, very knowledgeable, only Sheldon would be oblivious enough to push away such a perfect girl,' one fan wrote.
Perfect ≠ Compatible
It's certainly a shame that Sheldon rejected Vanessa and the show never explored their relationship, but would they really be happy together?
'No, for one simple reason, patience. Amy is probably one of the only few characters in the entire franchise that has the patience to deal with Sheldon. She was patient and understanding of Sheldon, more than any other girl in the series,' one Redditor observed. 'Just because they have the same things in common, does not mean that they are perfect for each other.'
Indeed, it was Amy who brought out the best in Sheldon and made him a more tolerable person. So, in the end, TBBT went in the right direction with the character.