A House of the Dragon Theory: Who Could Be Behind King Aegon's Impending Assassination on the Show?

Episode 2 may have shed some light on Aegon's impending doom.
- Both Rhaenyra and Aegon will die in the war.
- Aegon may have created his greatest enemy in his own court.
- The king will be assassinated to save the kingdom from his recklessness.
Season 1 of House of the Dragon briefly told the story of the Targaryen conquest of the Seven Kingdoms, leading up to the reign of King Viserys I, which ended in a hereditary crisis. The show's second season, which premiered a few weeks ago, finally delves into the events of Westeros lore known as the Dance of the Dragons, the civil war between Rhaenyra and Aegon II Targaryen.
Though the war itself hasn't broken out yet, both teams, Blacks and Greens, are rallying the support of the Lords of the Seven Kingdoms in their claim to the Iron Throne. And sadly, neither Rhaenyra nor Aegon will emerge victorious from this conflict, as both are doomed to die during the war.
She will be fed to Aegon's dragon. And he will be poisoned by an assassin hired by someone in his court. And while no one really knows who ordered Aegon's death, House of the Dragon seems to give us a clue as to who might be behind his murder.
'Insolent Pup'
The recently released second episode of Season 2 of House of the Dragon featured a very uncomfortable moment. Aegon dismissed his grandfather Otto Hightower from the position of Hand of the King after a heated argument between the two over the monarch's violent tactics.
It was awkward and painful for many reasons. While Ser Otto is not a nice person and few viewers care about his fate, he is a good grandfather and a wise statesman who has gone to great lengths to secure his grandson's future on the Iron Throne and bring lasting peace to the Seven Kingdoms.
In fact, if it hadn't been for Otto, Aegon would not have become king, since Rhaenyra was indeed Viserys I's heir apparent. And for Aegon to repay him with such disrespect must hurt the former Hand very much.
The State above All
In other words, Aegon insulted his grandfather with the dismissal and proved himself to be the 'thoughtless, feckless, self-indulgent' king he will prove himself to be throughout his reign. With this in mind, it would not be surprising if Otto Hightower, the man who created King Aegon II, decided to rid the kingdom of him – for the sake of peace and prosperity, of course.
The writers of House of the Dragon have taken creative liberties in adapting G.R.R. Martin's Fire & Blood – take Jaehaerys' murder, for example. So it won't be surprising if we see Otto Hightower plotting to murder his own grandson. After all, the former Hand must feel responsible for putting the wrong man on the throne and want to right his own wrongs.
Episode 3 of Season 3 will premiere on June 30.