7 Saddest The Vampire Diaries Character Deaths, According to Reddit

The death of a character in any TV show can be a pretty emotional watch.
Whether we're celebrating the demise of a hated figure or tearing up as a fan-favourite meets their end, there is (usually) a finality about their passing that makes us feel something.
And it's no surprise that those scenes stay with viewers – in particular the sad ones that can bring on a genuine sense of grief.
Here are 7 of the saddest deaths in The Vampire Diaries according to fans on Reddit:
Damon giving her 'something that she longed for' before 'he staked her' was, for one user, a scene that affected them like no other. Whether that's no other scene in the series or in the history of TV is not explicitly stated. But it's certainly a tear-jerker of a moment. 'She wasn't around very long,' one Redditor wrote, 'but she made an impact'.
This one 'came out of nowhere' and earned its place as one of the saddest partly because of 'everything else that happened in that episode'. The user does go on to talk about the funeral too, though. But does a touching funeral make the death any sadder? I'm not so sure.
Now, this one hit a lot of users. One said it had them 'crying like a baby' while another stated that even though they found the character annoying, the way she died was 'awful'. In fact, it was so bad that one user has to 'stop the series at this part' when they rewatch it.
It wasn't so much the manner of her death, but the fact that she was betrayed by Damon that seemed to be the main issue here. It was also 'one of the first deaths you see with a character you thought would be around for a while'.
After everything he'd gone through, it seemed as if Enzo had finally found happiness. Things were going well, and he was with Bonnie, the love of his life when he was 'pointlessly killed by Stefan'.
Hers was such a moving death as we got to see what would have been her perfect 15th-century day with Katherine. It was heart-wrenching TV, and it's no wonder that one Redditor wrote, 'it tore me up'.
Possibly the most high profile of all the series' deaths. Stefan sacrificed himself to give his brother the life he wanted. It was poignant, touching and unforgettably sad.
Source: Reddit.