
7 Fascinating Things You Didn't Know About Meghan Markle

7 Fascinating Things You Didn't Know About Meghan Markle
Image credit: Legion-Media

More than meets the eye.

Keeps Her Name Secret

Meghan Markle's first name is actually not Meghan, but Rachel. This fact was revealed after the birth certificate of her and Prince Harry's son, Archie Harrison, was published on the web.

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The Duchess' birth name was used on a number of other documents, including Queen Elizabeth's official marriage approval, which also referred to Harry by his birth name, Henry.

Deciphers Signs of Destiny

Growing up in Windsor Hills, one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in Los Angeles, Meghan had often wondered what it would be like to be part of the Windsor family. It seems that the girl was destined to find her place among the royals as life had been giving her signs that took her years to decipher.

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Does Calligraphy

When she was starting out as an actress, Meghan freelanced in calligraphy and wrote wedding invitations for celebrity couples.

"I would sit there with a little white tube sock on my hand so no hand oils got on the card, trying to pay my bills while auditioning," the Duchess revealed, "It's super lucrative, because there are so few people doing it."

Hates Retouching

Back in the days when she was actively filming, Markle confessed that she hated having her freckles removed or her skin tone altered in photographs.

The reason for this probably lies in Meghan's troubled childhood: her mother is African-American and her father has European roots, so the future royal's classmates often made fun of her appearance.

Friends With Serena Williams

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The celebs met at a party in 2016 and quickly became close friends. Since then, Meghan has attended a number of Serena's matches, and the tennis player has spent plenty of time at her royal friend's house, enjoying a cup of coffee and a chat.

Loves Beer and Roast Chicken

As we can see from the pictures she used to post on her social media before marrying Prince Harry, Meghan Markle prefers beer to other alcoholic beverages.

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She also loves roast chicken — and funny enough, that was the dish she was cooking as Harry proposed to her. "We were roasting chicken. It was just an amazing surprise. It was so sweet and natural and very romantic," the former actress confessed.

Practices Yoga To Forget Her Troubles

Meghan can't imagine her life without yoga. She became interested in the spiritual practice as a child thanks to her mother, who worked as a yoga instructor, and was able to do the most difficult yoga postures by the time she was seven.

The Duchess continues to practice her physical skills and meditate to maintain her mental health.