7 Cringiest Sweet Magnolias Moments, Ranked From Just Bad to 100% Unwatchable

These are sure to make you uncomfortable.
When it premiered in 2020, Netflix's Sweet Magnolias was a breath of fresh air for every fan of romantic drama. Revolving around a trio of best friends — Maddie, Helen, and Dana Sue — the series follows the daily struggles of the residents of Serenity, a small fictional town in South Carolina.
Over its three-season run, Sweet Magnolias has been a predominantly sweet and satisfying story to follow, but unfortunately, the show has some shortcomings too. Here are the series' seven cringiest moments, ranked from bad to unwatchable.
7. Helen and Ryan's Pillow Fight
Yes, pillow fights are sweet and look great on screen, but this activity seemed completely unnatural for these two characters. Both Helen and Ryan are accomplished professionals in their fields, so their fooling around just looked weird and unseemly. And don't get us started on their simultaneous poetry recitals…
6. Isaac Losing His Temper On Bill
Isaac does have the right to be angry at his biological parents who left him, but Bill didn't deserve such treatment because he simply never knew that he had a son all those years. That's why Isaac's venting his fury on the man seemed like scolding a puppy who doesn't know what it did wrong.
5. Helen's Self-Talk
Many people talk to themselves from time to time — it's a natural thing to do, but only when you're alone. And seeing Helen talk to herself while around other people is sheer cringe.
4. Jeremy's Perpetual Smile
Many fans thought Dana Sue's short-lived romantic interest was adorable because of his smile. However, once you notice that that smile never goes away, it becomes somewhat eerie and unnerving.
3. Kyle's Carwash Tantrum
Affected by puberty, his father's infidelity, and his parents' subsequent divorce, Kyle is a true mess who needs counseling. It becomes evident when he throws a tantrum in Season 3 and gives his mother dating advice even though he hadn't had a successful relationship himself.
2. Helen and Ryan's Breakup
Besides the very nature of Helen and Ryan's relationship, which seemed to be rooted in obsession rather than mature romance, Heather Headley's post-breakup performance left fans scratching their heads.
Being a talented musician and theater actress, Headley took it too far in trying to convey her character's emotional state, ending up totally unbelievable.
1. Dana Sue and The Farmer Eating Fruit
Brooke Elliott's Dana Sue is arguably Sweet Magnolias' most charming character. But that fact couldn't save the scene where Dana Sue is shown flirtatiously eating fruit with Jeremy. However innocent their actions may seem, they actually come across as gross, and fans would rather see the characters have an intercourse than eat the fruit in this disgusting way.