6 Times How I Met Your Mother Crossed the Line and Made Us Cringe

6 Times How I Met Your Mother Crossed the Line and Made Us Cringe
Image credit: CBS

There's no doubt How I Met Your Mother has enchanted millions with its unmatched humor and unique storytelling.

But let's face it, even the most devoted fans can admit that there were times when the legendary sitcom crossed the line, leaving us entertained and mortified, all at the same time.

Let's take a trip down memory lane and relive six unforgettable moments that made us cringe.

1. Robin Yelling at Patrice

Remember Robin's constant yelling at her coworker Patrice? Well, what started as a humorous gag quickly became cringe-inducing. It seemed like the idea relied too heavily on the presumption that something unamusing could be funny if it's said repeatedly and with a silly voice.

The joke ultimately lost its comedic value and many ended up feeling bad for Patrice as they found that Robin was unnecessarily mean to her.

2. When Marshall Kept Calling Robin a Slut

In an otherwise hilarious episode titled 'The Naked Man,' Marshall's continuous references to Robin as a slut undoubtedly left all of us cringing. Justifying his derogatory remark by saying that the only thing standing between Robin and sex was clothes was not only uncalled for but it aged even worse. It was an out-of-character moment for Marshall, who is known for being kind. Not to mention the fact that there are other individuals in their group who have been far more promiscuous.

3. Lily's 'You Son of a Bitch'

Lily's saying, 'You son of a bitch,' may have been an attempt to inject humor into her character arc and give her some sort of edge with the help of a catchphrase. However, it failed to garner the desired reaction from the audience. Overused and lacking in comedic impact, the phrase became more annoying than amusing.

4. Barney Admitting to Selling a Woman

Barney Stinson's womanizing ways were often planted throughout the sitcom for laughs. However, there were instances where his actions went beyond harmless fun and left viewers feeling awkward and uneasy instead. And one of the worst things Barney has done is admitting to once selling a woman.

This behavior crosses the line of dark humor - straight into the realm of human trafficking.

5. Lily Having Her Drinks Refilled

Throughout the final season, Lily's constant need to have her drinks refilled, followed by the phrase 'Thank you, Linus,' became a fairly cringe-worthy subplot. And to make matters worse, it turned out the drinks were non-alcoholic all along, making her behavior unnecessary and odd. Although the idea behind this was most likely that she wanted to resist the temptation to have a real drink, it was still very embarrassing to watch.

6. Robin Floating Away

In the final moments of episode 17 in season 9, Ted tells Robin he needs to let go now and Robin floats away into the sky like a balloon to the tune of 'Eternal Flame.' This gave many fans second-hand embarrassment of such magnitude that they dubbed it the cringiest moment of the entire series, with some stating it even ruined the song for them.