5 Young Sheldon Characters Fans Would Happily Remove From the Timeline

Fans are attached to some characters and more than happy to let go of others.
For the most part, the characters of Young Sheldon are interesting, entertaining, and have grown tremendously over the 6 seasons.
It’s hard not to become attached, however, there are a few characters that fans feel the show is better off without.
Paige Swanson
Other than being Sheldon’s academic rival, Paige doesn’t serve any further purpose on the show. Her spiral into rebellion is uninteresting and her story is bland, and the show’s writers are to blame for this. Now that she is no longer a threat to Sheldon, she has no relevance to the plot, and fans have no interest in her or her story. It’s time for her to go.
Jana Boggs
Jana’s treatment of Georgie earned her a spot as one of the most disliked characters on the show. As Georgie’s high-school girlfriend, many fans had hoped, in the long run, for the couple to work out, but Jana’s attitude changed when Georgie decided to leave school and prioritize work.
Jana didn’t want to date a dropout and kicked Georgie to the curb as if their relationship meant nothing. It didn’t take fans long to realize that she was a bully, and Georgie was better off without her. This doesn’t change the fact that she felt like a waste of time, and fans want her erased from the timeline.
Dale Ballard
Many fans want to see Dale gone so MeeMaw and Dr Sturgis can be together without her ex-boyfriend getting in the way. Fans have never understood what MeeMaw saw in grumpy Dale, and dislike him even more now after convincing Georgie to drop out of school.
Dale just seems to have no positive impact on any of the characters, and is not an important part of the plot, with all his storylines being bland and unamusing.
Veronica Duncan
Fans have no hard feelings against Veronica, she simply had no notable impact in the storyline as Georgie’s second girlfriend.
She is a significant love interest for Georgie, but she abruptly disappears after a few episodes, which we later found out was due to the actress’s conflicting schedule as she went off to film the Yellowstone prequel series, 1883. Her departure was disruptive, leading many fans to wish she’d never appeared at all.
Jeff Difford
There is no character more hypocritical than Pastor Jeff, and his behavior is infuriating.
He threatens MeeMaw’s video rental business because it doesn't align with the morals and values of the church, he fires Mary when she starts having family problems, and he meddles in other people's business. At the same time, he is responsible for stealing money from his wife to fund the church.