5 Worst Things Leonard Ever Did on Big Bang Theory, Ranked

5 Worst Things Leonard Ever Did on Big Bang Theory, Ranked
Image credit: CBS

Why do fans hate Leonard?

Leonard Hofstadter is the least appealing character to many fans of The Big Bang Theory. He started out as a lovable geek with a heart of gold, but over the course of the series, he became increasingly arrogant and self-absorbed, displaying repulsive character traits and doing many things that made viewers dislike him.

Here are the Top 5 moments that made Leonard an unlikable character.

5. Wasting grant money on a laser

Leonard is a very insecure character, which sometimes makes him do strange things — like the time when he was in charge of allocating extra grant money and bought himself a laser instead of something worthwhile for his colleagues. His reason for buying a laser was that it was… cool. Well, maybe it was, but that kind of behavior is not cool at all.

4. Stealing a girl from Howard

Although the Pasadena gang seemed to be close friends, Leonard proved several times that he didn't care much about other members of the group. For instance, Leonard once started dating Stephanie Barnett, a girl that Howard had picked up at a bar and seemed to be really interested in, without even talking to his friend first. Viewers thought Leonard's behavior was disrespectful and said a lot about him as a friend.

3. Bullying Zack

Penny's ex-boyfriend Zack Johnson was many fans' favorite supporting character. Although he was not very bright, Zack was always friendly and never aggressive. Most scenes with him made viewers laugh, except for the ones where he was ridiculed for being stupid by the Pasadena gang, and Leonard in particular. People feel that Leonard's bullying is just difficult to watch.

2. Cheating on Penny

Fans were shocked to learn that Leonard cheated on Penny. To make matters worse, he confessed to her right before their wedding in Las Vegas. Many viewers still think the whole cheating storyline was annoying and a waste of airtime, adding to Leonard's image as an extremely insecure boyfriend. But then again, he also cheated on Priya, so what we may have here is a disturbing, recurring pattern of behavior.

1. Cruel prank on Sheldon

For many viewers, the worst thing Leonard did on The Big Bang Theory was jeopardizing Sheldon's research and academic reputation. The gang accompanied Sheldon when he went to the Arctic in search of data to prove string theory, and Leonard and his friends decided to pull a cruel prank on Sheldon, making him believe he was getting real results from his research.

The truth emerged when they returned home, and Sheldon became the laughingstock of the university after publishing his fake results. Whether you view this prank from a personal or professional point of view, what Leonard did was awful, and viewers were rightfully appalled.

Source: Reddit.