5 Ways 'And Just Like That' Ruined SATC's Miranda For Good

5 Ways 'And Just Like That' Ruined SATC's Miranda For Good
Image credit: Legion-Media

The Miranda Hobbs that appears in And Just Like That is a far cry from the grounded, sensible woman we met, and loved, in Sex and the City.

And Just Like That destroyed Miranda Hobbs just like this:

1. Miranda left Steve with no remorse

Miranda’s sexual awakening sees her leave Steve to be with Che, a non-binary queer comedian, and podcaster, who is also her friend Carrie’s boss.

Not only did she cheat on Steve after all their happily married years together, but she seems to show no remorse for her actions and Steve’s heartbreak. His character deserved so much better.

2. Her entire 'relationship' with Che

Miranda becomes Che’s weirdly obsessive, eager-to-please girlfriend. There is zero chemistry between them, half the time Che doesn’t seem to even like Miranda, and most of the time Miranda just looks like a fool.

The scene with Miranda trying to put on a strap-on whilst Che sits back and sort of laughs at her was next-level cringey, and hard to watch, as were many other interactions between the pair where Miranda acted like an awkward, giggly schoolgirl with a crush.

3. Bad friend

'You said you would be here for me and you weren't' - Carrie

So, where was Miranda when Carrie needed her? Hooking up in the other room with Carrie’s boss.

Miranda’s first sexual encounter with Che happens while she is staying with a bedbound Carrie to take care of her. Che comes to visit with shots (because apparently tequila and recovery go hand in hand) and Che and Miranda get drunk and hook up.

Carrie wakes up to her ‘friend’ and boss having a sexual interaction in her kitchen, and cannot get out of bed to use the bathroom. Miranda eventually comes into the room, giddy and flustered having cheated on Steve, to find Carrie lying in her urine.

Somehow, Miranda manages to make the moment all about herself and her unhappiness while Carrie sits in a wet bed trying to comfort her.

4. Trying to be ‘woke’

Miranda’s white savior complex would give anyone watching secondhand embarrassment.

From mistaking Nya Wallace, her young African-American professor for a student, to expressing that she was taking Nya’s class because she wanted to learn to be a better white person, to commenting on Nya’s hair. It’s all too much to bear.

Not to mention the ID scene, or the scene where Miranda was unsure whether or not to save Nya from a mugger, stating that she didn’t want to look like a white savior.

5. Blatant alcoholism

Although she denies it, Miranda has an excessive drinking problem, and can't seem to make any decisions until she has had a drink. Her sensible, mature Sex and the City self would never recognize her.

Charlotte and Carrie had brilliant character arcs, but Miranda Hobbs has become a foolish, unlikeable shell of her former self, a character hard to watch, and even harder to like.

The next episode of And Just Like That… will arrive on HBO on June 29.