5 Twilight Moments So Cringey, You Just Have to Turn Away

Ready for some severe cringe?
The Twilight Saga may be one of the most controversial franchises out there. On the one hand, there is no denying its status as a pop culture phenomenon. On the other hand, it isn't easy to keep a straight face when watching some of its scenes.
Fans seem to have come to terms with the overall cringe factor of the franchise and even find it appealing. However, Spanish shame rises so much at certain moments that even the most hardened fans have to look away.
Here are five such moments, as reported by viewers.
'Any cold... wet... thing... I don't really...'
The scene in the biology lab, when Bella and Edward talk for the first time, seems designed to make you cringe. The whole conversation was clearly meant to be incredibly awkward, but the facial expressions, the peculiar dramatic huffing, the frowning, and the looking away can make anyone uncomfortable. And the 'cold, wet thing' line is undoubtedly one of the cringiest lines in Hollywood history.
'Badly as in... I would become the meal'
The first film has many more cringe-worthy moments, including Bella's introduction to the Cullen family. Rosalie warns her that her relationship with Edward could hurt the entire family if it ends badly, and Bella makes an awkward joke about becoming the meal. The vampires laugh, but the joke is neither amusing nor acceptable. Fans find it impolite and an insult to the Cullens' self-control.
'This is the skin of a killer, Bella!'
Another painful-to-watch scene in the first film is when Edward shows Bella his sparkling skin, and she says he is beautiful. Edward then spouts his 'skin of a killer' line and hides in apparent disgust with himself. Even though the scene is meant to be dramatic, fans cannot take it seriously due to Edward's glittering disco ball appearance.
'Don't get me upset or things are gonna get very ugly!'
Jacob Black has his fair share of inappropriate lines throughout the franchise. Arguably the cheesiest is the one he uses to threaten Alice when she comes to see Bella. Fans simply cannot stand to see Jacob become irrationally angry without any plausible trigger. In the scene, he sounds like a child threatening an adult.
'Should I start calling you dad?'
The king of all cringe-worthy Twilight quotes is undoubtedly Jacob's line at the end of Breaking Dawn Part 2. The 'start calling you dad' line is not only cheesy but also seriously disturbing, as is the entire imprinting storyline. Renesmee is still a child, and fans find it repulsive that Jacob implies they will be together.