5 TV Series Endings Worse Than The Blacklist Finale, According to Reddit

Those endings were frankly awful.
In its first few seasons, The Blacklist was arguably one of the best shows on NBC, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats hoping to finally find out who the mysterious Red (James Spader) was and what skeletons were hidden in his closet.
Unfortunately, the show went downhill in Season 8, as Liz (Megan Boone), the only one who could really uncover the truth, was killed off. And the last season had just a frankly atrocious ending: Red was hit… no, not by a truck, but by a bull, and he died, taking all his secrets to the grave.
But The Blacklist isn't the only show with a terrible finale. Here's a list of series whose endings have outraged fans just as much.
5. Lost (2004)
The finale of Lost was satisfying for some and completely unsatisfying for others, so we decided to put it in last place. Instead of answers to many burning questions (like, who is Mother or why is Cork so absurd?), we got a metaphysical parable about life and death and even more questions in the finale. However, that's always been the specialty of the show.
4. Battlestar Galactica (2004)
BSG featured a lot of religious motifs, but because of these, the 2004 finale turned out to be a total mess. The story ended with humanity on a planet called… Earth. Yes, the ending took a sharp theological turn, as human civilization decided 150 thousand years ago to abandon technology so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past. Many of the characters turned out to be 'angels' — higher beings fulfilling a divine plan.
3. Dexter (2006)
After seven years on the air, Dexter came to a close with a polarizing finale. Dex once again escaped his fate by faking his own death (and becoming a lumberjack), and his sister Debra was boringly killed off.
The sequel's finale was even worse: New Blood terribly rushed its ending, with Harrison shooting the title character.
2. Game of Thrones (2011)
GoT became unbearable to watch over the last few seasons, as the series' writers only followed the outlines drawn by George R. R. Martin, who has been writing the sixth book for 12 years now. As a result, we got a completely unsatisfying and unfair ending that devalued not only many characters, but also the entire lore.
1. How I Met Your Mother (2005)
Neither The Blacklist nor any of the above shows can compare to the way the writers of HIMYM spit in the face of the fans. After we learned who Mom was and started caring about her, the writers decided to tell us in the finale that she's dead a few years in 2030 and Ted is in love with Robin. Really?