5 Saddest Queen Charlotte Scenes That Shattered Reddit to Pieces

5 Saddest Queen Charlotte Scenes That Shattered Reddit to Pieces
Image credit: Netflix

Fans were not prepared for how emotional the Bridgerton prequel got.

Bridgerton fans know what to expect from the Shonda Rhimes/Julia Quinn version of Regency England: bright colours! Pop covers! Incredible cakes! Lots of shagging in unexpected places!

At its darkest Bridgerton is like… maybe a light gray. So that’s what we all expected from Queen Charlotte, right?

Ha! You Fools! It was a setup so they could shatter your hearts into a million little pieces!! Here are the 5 most heartbreaking scenes that made fans ugly-cry.

5. Violet’s Birthday Hat Speech

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Even before we knew that Violet’s tradition of birthday hats was going to be a whole “thing”, her speech about missing her husband packed quite an emotional wallop. We knew that Violet loved her husband a lot, but in Bridgerton all her talk of Edmund was very prettily packaged in romantic lines. Listening to her babble uncontrollably about her marriage’s private, silly little tradition felt way more real, and it broke our hearts.

4. George becoming overwhelmed by news of the baby

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We all knew that George wouldn’t stay mentally healthy forever – it’s a fantasy that love can cure all. But it was so upsetting to watch his confident, happy self crumble from the stress of the doctor’s news. You just wanted to reach through the TV and tell him to take a deep breath.

3. George returning to Dr. Monroe

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I know, and you know, and everyone knows that this so-called physician is a hack and probably a total sadist. We all loved it when George told him to take his leeches and stuff ‘em. But after his episode with Venus in the garden, and overhearing the love of his life express her horror at the situation, George went back to be tortured by Monroe full-time… because he actually thought that was best for everyone involved. Heartbreaking.

2. Brimsley dancing alone

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Tell us, dear Netflix, what happened to Reynolds? Where is that tall, blond glass of water, and why isn’t he with Brimsley? Did he die? Are they merely separated, because Reynolds remains with the King? Did they break up? Tell us, you monsters! #WhereIsReynolds

1. The final scene

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Ugh. Just… the two of them under the bed? And when she – ugh. And him recognizing her? And Golda Rosheuvel’s (older Charlotte’s) FACE, going from love to sorrow so quickly? And then… (*sniff*) Seeing younger George? And he sees younger Charlotte? And then their… (*sob*) …their little feet sticking out? (*Weeps forever*)

How dare you, Queen Charlotte. I’m not crying, you’re crying.