5 Reasons Why Young Sheldon Is Better Than The Big Bang Theory

Once in a blue moon, the apple does fall far from the tree.
As a rule of thumb, spin-offs have a lot in common with their parent shows. But every once in a while, there are outstanding examples that defy this rule. Young Sheldon may be one of those remarkable shows.
Originating from CBS' flagship comedy The Big Bang Theory, Young Sheldon debuted in 2017 and ran concurrently with its predecessor for two years. Despite this, the two shows don't seem to share much in common. What's more, the spinoff is actually much better than its parent show.
Here are just five reasons why Young Sheldon outshines TBBT.
While The Big Bang Theory is a pretty nice show about a group of nerdy friends who help and support each other in this seemingly hostile world, it's not as comforting and warm as Young Sheldon. Maybe it has to do with the fact that TBBT's characters make fun of each other all the time. Sure, the Young Sheldon characters also make fun of each other from time to time, but it doesn't ruin their loving family, which is so fun to watch.
Clever Humor
Given that TBBT follows a group of scientists, this statement may sound controversial, but the original CBS sitcom is notorious for its silly humor. The Big Bang Theory gets its laughs from the characters mocking each other. Meanwhile, Young Sheldon features more complex jokes and brilliant one-liners, and makes extensive use of situational comedy.
Over the course of TBBT's twelve-season run, very little has changed in the lives of the main characters. In fact, you can probably count the life-changing events on your fingers. YS, on the other hand, is much more eventful despite its size, which keeps viewers on their toes. In other words, the spin-off is much better as a story than its predecessor.
More Daring
Even though The Big Bang Theory had a lot of risqué jokes and the sitcom's main characters constantly poked fun at each other, it didn't really bring anything new to the table. In contrast, Young Sheldon explores and criticizes some people's conservatism, religious bigotry, and traditional views of family roles. Take a look at Meemaw - she's the very definition of audacity!
Sure, Young Sheldon is first and foremost a comedy show. But unlike TBBT, it doesn't stop there, offering viewers complicated, multifaceted characters with both strengths and flaws. As a result, YS tells a more relatable, complex, yet compelling story of a family that seems real despite the odds.
Young Sheldon's seventh and final season will premiere on February 15.