5 Reasons Why Anthony Bridgerton the Worst Bridgerton Character So Far

5 Reasons Why Anthony Bridgerton the Worst Bridgerton Character So Far
Image credit: Netflix

All good characters have flaws. But isn't Anthony too flawed?

Season 2 of the acclaimed Netflix show has transformed Anthony Bridgerton into the quintessential heartthrob. But is he as impeccable as fans see him? Indeed, a segment of the fanbase staunchly believes that Anthony represents the most problematic character in the entire Bridgerton universe.

Let's delve into the reasons why.

He is entitled and spoiled

Born into a position of privilege as a Lord, Anthony reaps the benefits of wealth and power, leading him to adopt an inflated sense of entitlement and disregard for others. Within his family, he occupies an elevated status as the head of the household and brandishes this title with flagrant arrogance.

Lord Bridgerton's unwillingness to carry out his duties is evident, but beneath the surface, he seems to revel in lording it over his mother and siblings, incessantly reminding them of their dependency on him.

He is rude

Few are the scenes where Anthony exhibits kindness to others. Engrossed in his self-centred world, he perceives people as tools to aid his agenda or obstacles to getting what he wants. When someone falls outside these categories, he either dismisses them outright or directs unnecessary rudeness their way.

He is sexist

Judging by his words and actions, Anthony appears to harbour condescending attitudes towards women, particularly those within his immediate circle. He demeans his mother and sisters, presenting them as incompetent, irritating, and unintelligent. He belittles Kate by doubting her abilities, which is especially evident in the hunting scene, where he dismisses the idea of her being a skilled hunter and then mansplains the intricacies of hunting to her. His blatant disregard for boundaries becomes clear when he touches her despite her repeated objections.

He plays with people's feelings

One of Anthony's most egregious traits is his treatment of women in romantic relationships. Stemming from his aforementioned sexist leanings, his manipulation of Sienna's feelings in Season 1 is blatantly evident. One would assume this behaviour would cease once he found his true love, but it escalates, extending to both Sharma sisters.

Upon reflection, the tumultuous love triangle of Season 2 can be primarily attributed to Anthony's manipulation. Lord Bridgerton repeatedly deceives Edwina, eventually ruining the young woman's heart and reputation.

He gets a free pass

What disturbs viewers is that Anthony is never presented with a redemption arc to atone for his numerous transgressions on the show. And yet, he receives a happy ending. While Edwina, who is barely out of her teens, is demonised for coming between Anthony and Kate, Anthony, nearing his 30s, never apologises to her, Sienna, or even Kate for his actions. Instead, he basks in marital bliss with his newlywed wife, a trophy of his conquests.