5 Reasons to Check Out Peacemaker If You Haven't Seen It Yet

5 Reasons to Check Out Peacemaker If You Haven't Seen It Yet
Image credit: Legion-Media

Don't miss this TV show about a controversial superhero.

Peacemaker: Good or Evil?

The former Suicide Squad member returns to make peace, but we really get up close and personal with the character's multidimensional personality. While Peacemaker may be willing to kill for world peace, he starts having second thoughts in the presence of his father, Auggie Smith, who he definitely picked up a lot of his destructive tendencies from. Peacemaker also proves capable of showing real affection for his pet, or should I say, sidekick, Eagly. New team members, each with their own personal quirks and set of issues, also help reveal a great deal about who Christopher really is deep down inside.

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The most exciting thing is that from the very first episode, Peacemaker never holds back from reflecting on the moral connotations of his actions, questioning his once ironclad philosophy. There is a constant struggle between good and evil underway inside our character as he sincerely tries to strike a balance between the two.

1980s vibe and the opening credits sequence

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From the intro tune, which is a real earworm, by the way, all through the entire soundtrack and the interior designs of all the spaces, Peacemaker oozes the late 1970s early 1980s vibe, even though the series is set in the present. The characters meet up in bars and diners with neon signs, vinyl turntables, retro interiors and the lights turned way down low.

The same goes for all the other interiors on the show, especially Christopher’s digs. All scenes play out to carefully selected 1980s rock tracks or creative rock covers of modern pop music

Project Butterfly

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The entire series revolves around a secret project codenamed Project Butterfly. Project Butterfly is at the centre of the plot and brings all the characters together. And yet, its details are classified, and even the team members are strictly on a need-to-know basis with Peacemaker having practically zero access to any information about the project at all.

It’s really entertaining to discover the various details about Project Butterfly as the series progresses. Project Butterfly is both shocking and amusing.

Fast-paced, violent with lots of comic relief

James Gunn, who wrote the script for the series and directed 5 out of the 8 episodes, is brilliant at filming outstanding fight scenes, and car chases with lots of explosions. On Peacemaker, the coolness factor of all the action sequences is turned all the way to the max as they all unfold to lit 1980s tracks.

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And then, there’s lots and lots of comic relief to set off the violence, so much so that the viewer will often be left at a loss as to whether they should shut their eyes to not see all the gore or roll on the floor with laughter at all the ridiculousness. In a word, you get everything you would expect from a James Gunn production and then some.

Post-credits scenes in every episode

DC is really raising the stakes with Marvel now when it comes to taking on those little Easter eggs at the end of every episode.

Peacemaker has a post-credits scene like, literally, in every single episode, and they’re pretty good too. They are all in keeping with the style of the series and all of them reveal something about the characters we’ve just been introduced to.