5 Reasons There Was No Drama around Buck's Coming Out Arc in 9-1-1

Oliver Stark's character may have been comfortable with his sexuality for a long time.
Buck's exploration of his sexuality was arguably one of the biggest events of Season 7 of 9-1-1. However, many fans felt that the show took his coming out too lightly, as there was very little drama surrounding it.
But it seems that Buck was never fully straight in the first place, and here are five reasons to think so.
Buck Flirts with Men
Maybe unintentionally, but Buck has flirted with men on the show before. Back in Season 1 Episode 7, Buck and Bobby responded to a call: a man was having terrible stomach pains. Although his boyfriend dismissed it as indigestion after a week of eating sushi for dinner, the problem turned out to be much more serious – a tapeworm from eating raw fish.
In the process of questioning the poor guy, Buck must have caught his attention, because the man started flirting with him in front of everyone. And Buck, perhaps unbeknownst to himself, responded comfortably to the flirtation.
Buck Craves Real Love in Any Form
Buck hasn't had much love in his life, so that's the biggest thing he wants. And his ideal of love is portrayed in Season 2 Episode 8, in which an elderly gay couple died on the same day after one of them was fatally struck by a moving car and the other died peacefully of heartbreak. But before he died, the bereaved man told Buck about their lifelong love story, and Buck seemed intrigued by the idea of spending a lifetime with another person, regardless of their gender.
A Magnet for Men
Buck is undoubtedly handsome, but beauty does not necessarily make someone attractive. However, many men find Buck attractive just because of who he is. In the crossover episode of 9-1-1: Lone Star (Season 2 Episode 3), TK Strand, who is openly gay, bonded with Buck, who was in Austin on a work trip helping the local firefighters, and thought that Buck was making a move on him. Buck was sure he wasn't, but it seems he does a lot of things unintentionally.
Buck Knows Same-Sex Affection
Sadly, most of Buck's romances have ended badly, but he has one stable relationship that has captivated viewers for most of 9-1-1's seven seasons - with his best friend, Eddie Diaz. They have a deep and unique bond that few couples have. In fact, they even raised a child together. And the level of their emotional connection is awe-inspiring, showing that Buck is quite comfortable being emotionally intimate with men.
Buck Was Never in the Closet
All of this leads to the most logical conclusion that Buck has always been comfortable with his sexuality, even if he hasn't been fully aware of it. And it seems that everyone kind of knew, because there have been many references to Buck's bisexuality throughout the show. In Season 3 Episode 12, Josh makes a joke about Maddie trying to set him up with Buck. And in Season 6 Episode 7, where Buck becomes a sperm donor for his friends, he is given a magazine at the clinic with pictures of men in it.