5 Reasons Roy & Keeley Breaking Up in Ted Lasso Season 3 Had Zero Sense

The Ted Lasso writers made a big mistake with Roy and Keeley's relationship.
When the third season of Ted Lasso revealed that the fan-favorite couple Roy Kent and Keeley Jones were breaking up, many viewers felt disheartened by the news. The fact that the breakup happened mostly off-screen only added to the fans' dismay, and many claimed that the show was wrong to drop such a bombshell on them.
Here's why Roy and Keeley's split felt so anticlimactic, according to fans.
Out of the blue
Season 2 saw Roy and Keeley commit to spending more time together and fighting for their relationship, which viewers had spent hours watching be built and maintained. It was clear that neither Roy nor Keeley were ready to lose each other. But then, just one episode later, the couple announced their separation, even though fans never got to see how things went downhill. No wonder the breakup felt totally unsatisfying.
Work is not an issue
According to Keeley and Roy's own explanation, work was the main reason they called it quits. Roy became an assistant coach at AFC Richmond, and Keeley was trying to run her own PR company. But fans feel that this explanation is just an excuse.
Both characters were busy with their professional lives before taking new jobs, but that never stopped them from being together.
Roy's surprise and Keeley's reaction
The six-week vacation surprise story was supposed to show us why Keeley and Roy's relationship didn't work, but fans felt there was nothing about this story that couldn't be fixed.
Roy was obviously lost in his own dreams when he went over the top, but he acted out of love, and Keeley's reaction was in fact quite positive. She saw how excited Roy was about this vacation and felt selfish telling him he had to stay home just because she couldn't go. Clearly, neither of them intended to hurt the other's feelings, which makes this story a weak excuse for a breakup.
Opposites attract
A more global reason for Roy and Keeley to stay together, according to fans, is their obvious chemistry and compatibility. Yes, they are very different people. They have different energy levels, love languages, goals and desires. But that doesn't mean their relationship can't work.
Opposites attract and help each other grow, fans say — and what's more, this relationship could make for some pretty compelling storylines that would definitely benefit the show.
Writers' mistake
Considering all of the above, fans feel that splitting up Roy and Keeley was a huge mistake by the writers. It looks like they wrote themselves into a corner with this relationship and tried to shake things up but ended up including out-of-character storylines and ruining the mature, communicating relationship that viewers loved so much.