5 Reasons Officer Juarez is the Worst The Rookie Character

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Fans have been willing to close their eyes to the show's many flaws, but this character was the last straw.

For all its shortcomings, The Rookie remains an excellent police procedural. This season, fans got excited as the show's protagonist John Nolan was finally promoted to the rank of Police Officer III, which allowed him to train young rookies himself. Unfortunately, Nolan's first trainee was Celina Juarez, and this character's personality and behavior is making viewers really, really unhappy.

Here's a list of reasons why people think Officer Juarez is the worst character on the show.

5. She's arrogant

From the very moment she appeared in Season 5 Episode 3, Juarez established herself as a reckless and stubborn rookie who acts decisively without thinking first and never listens to her superior, John.

'It's her carelessness and her disrespecting her superiors every chance she gets. Yet, she doesn't face a single consequence,' one of the fans complained.

Although Celina ignores whatever pieces of advice Nolan shares with her, she doesn't get punished for this, and John continues to overlook her mistakes.

4. She wouldn't have passed the psych evaluation

Many fans point out that Juarez is too short-tempered and emotionally unstable, and she wouldn't have passed the psychological evaluation test that all police officers have to go through. The character is suffering from mental trauma caused by the kidnapping and tragic death of her sister, and this stress is apparently too severe for Juarez to handle. It's strange she hasn't been fired yet!

3. She's too superstitious

'She's pissed me off ever since she got on the show with her vibes and auras and whatnot,' another fan shared on Reddit.

Even if you casually engage in spiritual practices and rely on your intuition from time to time, this is not something a cop should do in their job. Whenever a police officer's actions are not backed by solid evidence, the consequences can be quite devastating.

2. The dynamic with Nolan is virtually non-existent

We have already said that Juarez does not follow Nolan's instructions at all, persistently disobeying him throughout the season, which really undermines and devalues all of his development over the previous four seasons of the show. As a result, the characters are unable to form the sort of 'mentor-student' relationship viewers expect them to have and to benefit from it.

1. She has no character growth

Unfortunately, the writers haven't bothered to develop Officer Juarez any further at this point. Celina is as arrogant and overconfident as she was at the beginning, and many fans just wish she would finally grow as a character, hopefully becoming a better person.

The final episode of The Rookie Season 6 will arrive on ABC on May 2, 2023.

Source: Reddit, Reddit.

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