5 Reasons New Fans of The Vampire Diaries Can't Stand Elena

5 Reasons New Fans of The Vampire Diaries Can't Stand Elena
Image credit: Legion-Media

Why does the female protagonist of The Vampire Diaries feel so annoying years after the show premiered?

The Vampire Diaries ended in 2017, but its massive fan base is still being replenished with new members. Amid the growing public interest in the 2000s shows, all things vampire, and the coming-of-age romance genre in general, more and more viewers are becoming addicted to the story of Elena Gilbert and the Salvatore brothers.

But not every one of these new fans finds the female protagonist relatable, likable, or even tolerable. Here are five key reasons why.

Elena is the least mature character in the series

The majority of The Vampire Diaries characters are high school students, so it is a bit strange to expect them to behave like adults. However, of all her classmates, Elena feels the most immature. She constantly puts herself in damsel-in-distress situations, which forces others to take care of her. And as the show progresses, it doesn't get any better.

Elena remains a whiny baby, always dependent on others, from minute one to the finale.

Elena is despicable as a vampire

Many first-time viewers are pumped up for Elena's vampire arc. But when she finally transitions in the Season 3 finale, it turns out to be a huge disappointment. Many fans hate to rewatch Season 4 because of how Elena behaves as a newborn vampire. She becomes darker, crueler, and even more spoiled.

She makes terrible decisions

Elena has made a lot of questionable decisions throughout the series, from giving herself to Klaus so he could take her blood and putting Jeremy in danger by sending him away (both of which accomplished nothing) to killing Connor Jordan, the vampire hunter. Her decision-making just seems too flawed to the viewers.

Elena is cruel to Stefan

Whether you love Stelena (Elena and Stefan ship) or not, you have to admit that Elena has been cruel to Stefan. In the first few seasons, she claims to love him, but the moment he does something she doesn't like, Elena punishes him.

Take, for example, the time when Stefan drowned for months while Elena had an affair with his own brother without even thinking of looking for him.

Elena is manipulative

Fans think that Elena is selfish. Everything she does or says seems to be driven by her own needs. In her love triangle situation, Elena has the two Salvatore brothers wrapped around her finger and makes them do whatever she wants while giving nothing in return.

We see the same kind of behavior with her friends — the way Elena treats Bonnie as a magical tool does not sit well with many viewers. Compared to truly caring characters like Bonnie or Caroline, she comes off as manipulative and self-centered.